The Very Basics

This chapter introduces the basic programming constructs in Stanza. After this chapter, you'll be able to write basic programs that do simple things.

Project Framework

Follow these steps to set up a project framework.

Create basics.stanza

In your stanzaprojects directory, create a file called basics.stanza containing

defpackage mypackage :
   import core

defn main () :
   println("Code goes here")


Again, make sure you do not forget the space between the main and the (). We'll explain why this is necessary when we discuss Stanza's lexical structure.

Compile and Run

Compile and run the basic framework by typing the following in the terminal

stanza basics.stanza -o basics

The basic framework should print out

Code goes here

Follow the chapter and try out the examples by replacing the println command with the example code.


Try changing the basic framework to

defpackage mypackage :
import core

defn main () :
   println("Code goes here")


and try to compile it. It won't work. My Stanza installation says

Syntax Error: Import clause expected here.

Indentation is important in Stanza programs. Be careful when trying out the examples.

And don't use tabs. Stanza won't let you. We don't like tabs.

Printing Simple Messages

Printing is important. It's the only way to observe what your program is doing.


This is a string.

"Timon and Pumbaa"

It's a bunch of characters surrounded in double quotes.

Printing Strings

Use the println function to print strings.


prints out


Print Without a New Line

Use the print function to print strings without starting a new line at the end.

print(" and")
print(" Pumbaa")

prints out

Timon and Pumbaa


This is an integer.


It's a bunch of digits, and represents the integers that you were taught in school.

Printing Integers

The print and println function works on integers too.

print(" and a ")
print(" and a ")

prints out

1 and a 2 and a 1

Actually print and println works on a lot of things. We'll learn about that later.

Printing Multiple Things

Calling println repeatedly to print multiple things is tedious. Use println-all to print out multiple things.

println-all([1 " and a " 2 " and a "])
println-all([1 2 3 4 "."])

prints out

1 and a 2 and a 

If you don't want to start a new line at the end, use print-all instead.

print-all([1 " and a " 2 " and a "])
println-all([1 2 3 4 "."])

prints out

1 and a 2 and a 1234.

Don't fret about the [] brackets for now. They create tuples. We'll learn about those later.

Formatted Printing

Sometimes it's tedious to print multiple things even with println-all. Here's how to print things according to a format string.

println("%_ and a %_ and a %_, %_, %_, %_!" % [1 2 1 2 3 4])

prints out

1 and a 2 and a 1, 2, 3, 4!

Notice that you're calling the same println function that you've already learned. The % operator is what's doing all the work. We'll learn other operators later.

Where's the Commas?

Some of you may have noticed the lack of commas in the examples. Try adding them back in.

println("%_ and a %_ and a %_, %_, %_, %_!" % [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4])

still prints out

1 and a 2 and a 1, 2, 3, 4!

Commas are treated identically to spaces in Stanza. (Unless they are part of a string.) Try going crazy!

println("%_ and a %_ and a %_, %_, %_, %_!" % [1 2,1,2,,,,3,,,,,4])

The above still prints out what it used to. But don't do that. That was just an example.

Lexical Structure

Before compilation, a Stanza program is lexed into individual identifiers, numbers, and lists. Here are the rules that you'll need to know.


The first thing that Stanza does is break down a program into a sequence of lexemes, where each lexeme is separated by either whitespace or one of the following characters.

, . : & | < > [ ] { } ( )


A number is a lexeme that begins with a digit, or a hyphen followed by a digit. Here are some examples.



An operator is any lexeme that is made up of the following characters.

~ ! @ # $ % ^ * + - = / . : & | < >

Here are some example operators.



An identifier is any lexeme that is not a number or operator. Here are some examples.


Opening Brackets

Syntactically, an identifier followed immediately by a opening bracket character is treated differently than if the two were separated by spaces. For example


is syntactically different than

f (x)

The former calls the function f with x. The latter is simply the function f followed by the value x.

This is similar to how


is syntactically different than

a b

The two mean different things. Please keep this in mind when following the examples in this book. For example, this is why it was stressed to you to remember the space after main in

defn main () :



is syntactically different than

f [x]



is syntactically different than

f {x}



is syntactically different than

f <x>


Comments begin with the ; character, and every following character in the line will be regarded as a comment and won't affect the behaviour of the code. Here's an example of using comments.

;My favorite characters
println("Timon")  ;The small one
println("Pumbaa") ;and the smart one

Code without comments is very difficult to understand. Use comments often.


Basic Arithmetic

To add two numbers together, use the + operator.

println(10 + 32)

prints out


That means the result of adding 32 to 10 is 42. We say that the expression 10 + 32 returns 42. We'll learn later why we use the word returns.

Here are examples of using the other arithmetic operators.

68 + 32 ;Addition
68 - 32 ;Subtraction
68 * 32 ;Multiplication
68 / 32 ;Division
68 % 32 ;Modulus

Bitwise Arithmetic

Here are examples of using the bitwise operators.

24 << 2 ;Left Bit Shift
24 >> 2 ;Right Bit Shift
24 >>> 2 ;Arithmetic Right Bit Shift
24 & 2 ;Bitwise And
24 | 2 ;Bitwise Or
24 ^ 2 ;Bitwise Xor

Operator Precedence

All the operators are left associative. This means that in the following expression

1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 5 + 6

the operators are applied left to right. The above is equivalent to

((((1 + 2) - 3) + 4) - 5) + 6

In expressions containing a mix of operators, the operators with highest precedence are grouped together first, followed by the operators with second highest precedence, until you reach the operators with lowest precedence. The shift operators (<<, >>, >>>) have precedence 3. The multiply, divide, modulo, bitwise and, and bitwise xor operators (*, /, %, &, ^) have precedence 2. Addition, subtraction, and bitwise or, (+, -, |), have precedence 1.

The following expression

3 + 2 << 2 * 3 + 3 << 1

first groups the precedence 3 operators

3 + (2 << 2) * 3 + (3 << 1)

followed by the precedence 2 operators

3 + ((2 << 2) * 3) + (3 << 1)

followed by the precedence 1 operators

(3 + ((2 << 2) * 3)) + (3 << 1)

Unary Operators

Here's how to negate a number.

(- 3)

The parentheses are not optional!

Here's how to flip all the bits in a number.

(~ 3)

Again, the parentheses are not optional! This is different than most other languages. There's a good reason for this. But don't forget them! 



The statement

val a:Int = 3 * 71

calculates the result of 3 * 71 and stores the result in the value a.

After the storing the result in a, you can then use that value afterwards by name.


You cannot change what is stored in a value once it is initialized.

Breaking up Complicated Expressions

You can use values to break up complicated expressions into smaller ones.

println(1 + 30 * 2 * 3 - 30 / (3 << 1))

can be rewritten as

val a:Int = 30 * 2 * 3
val b:Int = 30 / (3 << 1)
println(1 + a - b)


The Int in the previous example is called a type annotation. It says that only an integer can be stored in a.

Stanza won't let you store anything else into a. We can try to store a string

val a:Int = "Timon"

but attempting to compile it gives us this error.

Cannot assign expression of type String to value a with declared type Int.

If you want to store a string into a, then you have to declare it like this.

val a:String = "Timon"

Later, we will learn more about types and about types other than Int and String.

Type Inference

If you leave off the type annotation

val a = 3 * 71

then Stanza figures out the type based on the expression it's initialized with.

Most Stanza programmers leave off type declarations for values.


A variable is declared like a value, but using var instead of val.

var a:Int = 10 + 30

Just like a value, the result of calculating 10 + 30 is stored in the variable a.

And just like a value, you can refer to it by name afterwards.


The difference is that, even after it is initialized, you can still store something else into a variable.

var a:Int = 3 * 71
a = -10

prints out


After we print out a for the first time, we use the = operator to store -10 into a. The second time we print out a, it prints out -10.


Just like values, a variable's type annotation restricts what you can store inside it. Here's what happens when we attempt to store a string into a.

var a:Int = 3 * 71
a = "Timon"

Compiling the above gives us

Cannot assign expression of type String to variable a with declared type Int.

Type Inference

Just like values, you can leave off the type annotation for a variable.

var a = 3 * 71
a = -10

However, the inferred type for a variable depends upon all the values assigned to it, not just the initial one.

For various reasons, Stanza cannot always infer the type of a variable, as in this example. (Don't mind the functions you don't know. We'll learn them later.)

var a = 3 * 71
a = cons(a, List())

Attempting to compile the above gives us this error.

Could not infer type of variable a.

In these cases, you'll have to provide an explicit type annotation for the variable.

Uninitialized Variables

Variables don't have to be declared with an initial value. Here's a variable, declared to only hold integers, but with no initial value.

var x:Int

Attempting to read from an uninitialized variable will crash the program. The following program

var x:Int

when compiled and ran crashes with this error.

FATAL ERROR: Variable is uninitialized.


Here's a function that subtracts forty two from its argument.

defn subtract-forty-two (x:Int) -> Int :
   x - 42   

And here's how you call the function.


Here's the complete program.

defpackage mypackage :
   import core

defn subtract-forty-two (x:Int) -> Int :
   x - 42  


It prints out:


This means that the result of calling subtract-forty-two with 43 is 1. We say that subtract-forty-two(43) returned 1.

Return Value

Here's a silly change we can make to subtract-forty-two.

defn subtract-forty-two (x:Int) -> Int :
   x + 43
   x - 42   

subtract-forty-two(43) still returns 1 though. The result of the last expression in a function's body is the value returned by the function.

Side Effects

Here's another change we can make to subtract-forty-two.

defn subtract-forty-two (x:Int) -> Int :
   println("Subtracting 42 from %_." % [x])
   x - 42   

Now the following code



Subtracting 42 from 43.

The expressions in a function body are evaluated one at a time, but only the result of the last one is returned.

Return Type

The Int following the -> in subtract-forty-two is the function's return type. It says that the function must return an integer.

Stanza won't let you return anything else. If we try to return a string

defn subtract-forty-two (x:Int) -> Int :
   println("Subtracting 42 from %_." % [x])

then the Stanza compiler gives us this error.

Cannot return an expression of type String for function 
subtract-forty-two with declared return type Int.

You can leave off the return type annotation

defn subtract-forty-two (x:Int) :
   println("Subtracting 42 from %_." % [x])
   x - 42   

in which case, Stanza will figure out the return type automatically based on the last expression in the function body. In certain cases, Stanza will not be able to figure it out and you'll have to provide it explicitly.

Argument Types

The :Int following the x argument in subtract-forty-two is the type annotation for the argument. This type annotation does two things. The first is that it restricts what values you can call subtract-forty-two with. Compiling the following code


gives the error

Cannot call function subtract-forty-two of type Int -> Int
with arguments of type (String).

The second is that it restricts what you are allowed to do with x. Here is what happens if we try to use x as if it were a format string.

defn subtract-forty-two (x:Int) :
   println(x % [1, 2, 3])
   x - 42   

Compiling it gives us this error.

No appropriate function modulo for arguments of type 
(Int, [Int, Int, Int]). Possibilities are:
   modulo: (String, Seqable) -> Printable at core/core.stanza:1982.12
   modulo: (Byte, Byte) -> Byte at core/core.stanza:2444.21
   modulo: (Int, Int) -> Int at core/core.stanza:2575.12
   modulo: (Long, Long) -> Long at core/core.stanza:2644.21

Roughly, that error message tells us that there are four different functions called modulo, and none of them can called with x and [1, 2, 3]. We'll learn later how to interpret that error message more precisely.

Example: String Arguments

Here is an example of a function that accepts a string as an argument.

defn timon-and-pumbaa-says (format:String) :
   println(format % ["Timon", "Pumbaa"])

   "%_ says they're fireflies, while %_ says they're big balls of gas.")
   "When the world turns their back on %_, %_ turns their back on the world.")

Compiling and running the above prints

Timon says they're fireflies, while Pumbaa says they're big balls of gas.
When the world turns their back on Timon, Pumbaa turns their back on the world.

We did not provide an explicit return type for timon-and-pumbaa-says. Thus Stanza figures it out automatically from the result of the last expression, the println. It turns out that println returns the value false which has type False. We could explicitly provide the return type as well.

defn timon-and-pumbaa-says (format:String) -> False :
   println(format % ["Timon", "Pumbaa"])

Leaving off the Argument Type

Beware. Argument types are not inferred automatically. You can leave off the argument types

defn subtract-forty-two (x) :
   x - 42   

but this is not equivalent to declaring x as an Int.

If you leave off the type annotation for an argument, it means that the argument can be anything. You can call the function with whatever you want, and within the body of the function Stanza will let you do whatever you wish with the argument. If you do something wrong then the program will crash when ran.

Here is an incorrect program that compiles correctly.

defn subtract-forty-two (x) :
   println(x % ["Timon", "Pumbaa"])
   x - 42

subtract-forty-two("%_ and %_ say Hakuna Matata!")

But when the program is ran, it crashes with this error.

Timon and Pumbaa say Hakuna Matata!
FATAL ERROR: Cannot cast value to type.
   at core/core.stanza:2566.12
   at stanzaprojects/basics.stanza:6.3
   at stanzaprojects/basics.stanza:8.0

The error message is saying that in the expression x - 42 it could not convert x into the appropriate type needed by the - operator (Int).

The Unknown Type

More precisely, leaving off the type annotation for an argument is equivalent to declaring the argument with the ? type. So the above program can be written equivalently as

defn subtract-forty-two (x:?) :
   println(x % ["Timon", "Pumbaa"])
   x - 42

subtract-forty-two("%_ and %_ say Hakuna Matata!")

The ? type is very special and forms the foundation of Stanza's optional type system. You can pass any value to a location where a ? is expected. And, you can use a value of ? type anywhere.

You can use the ? type in variable and value declarations too. Here is an example of using them with variables.

var x:? = "%_ says Hakuna."
println(x % ["Timon"])
x = 10 + 32
println("There are about %_ fireflies in the universe." % [x])

It prints out

Timon says Hakuna.
There are about 42 fireflies in the universe.

Notice that we're using x as a format string in one case, and a number in the other case. The ? type allows us to do this.


Comparison Operators

To test whether one integer is smaller than another number, you can use the < operator. Here's an example.

println(10 < 32)

It prints out


This means that 10 is less than 32. The expression 10 < 32 returned the value true. Conversely,

println(10 > 32)

prints out


This means that 10 is not greater than 32. The expression 10 > 32 returned the value false.

Here's all the other comparison operators you can use.

10 < 32     ;Less Than
10 <= 32    ;Less Than or Equal to
10 > 32     ;Greater Than
10 >= 32    ;Greater Than or Equal to
10 == 32    ;Equal
10 != 32    ;Not Equal

Logical Operators

You can use the not, and, and or operators to combine the results of multiple comparisons. Here is how to test whether 1 is less than 3 and greater than 5.

println(1 < 3 and 1 > 5)

Here is how to test whether 1 is less than 3 or greater than 5.

println(1 < 3 or 1 > 5)

Here is how to test whether 1 is not less than 3.

println(not 1 < 3)

If Expressions

If expressions let you test whether a value is true or false and do different things depending on the result.

val x = 10 < 32
if x :
   println("Timon is better!")
else :
   println("Pumbaa is better!")

prints out

Timon is better!

The result of 10 < 32 (true) is stored in x. Then because x (the predicate) is true, the consequent branch of the if expression is evaluated instead of the alternate branch.

Change the < operator to a > operator to root for Pumbaa instead.

Result of an If Expression

If expressions evaluate to a result. The result of an if expression is the result of the last expression in the consequent branch if the predicate is true. Otherwise it is the result of the last expression in the alternate branch.

Here's an example of using the result of an if expression.

val x =
   if 10 < 32 :
   else :
println("%_ is better!" % [x])

It prints out the same message as the last example.

Default Else Branch

If you leave off the else branch in an if expression, then the if expression simply evaluates to false if the predicate is not true. In the following code

if 10 > 32 :
   println("Timon is better!")

nothing is ever printed.

Nested If Expressions

You can nest if expressions inside other if expressions. The following code prints different messages when x falls in different ranges.

val x = 32
if x < 0 :
   println("x is negative!")
else :
   if x < 10 :
      println("x is between 0 and 10")
   else :
      if x < 30 :
         println("x is between 20 and 30")
      else :
         println("x is really big!")

It uses nested if expressions to test a series of conditions.

Because nested if expressions are so common, you are allowed to omit the colon after the else keyword if it is followed by an if expression. The above can be rewritten equivalently as

val x = 32
if x < 0 :
   println("x is negative!")
else if x < 10 :
   println("x is between 0 and 10")
else if x < 30 :
   println("x is between 20 and 30")
else :
   println("x is really big!")

Here's another example. sign is a function that computes the sign of its argument.

defn sign (x:Int) :
   if x < 0 :
   else if x == 0 :
   else :

True and False

The true and false values can be created directly simply by referring to them by name.

The following

val worries? = true
if worries? :
   println("Chill out!")
else :
   println("Hakuna Matata!")

prints out

Chill out!

To print Hakuna Matata! instead, change the true to false.

The value true has type True, and the value false has type False.

Expression Sequences

Multiple expressions can be grouped together as an expression sequence by surrounding them with parentheses.

val x = (println("A"), 42)

prints out


The expressions in an expression sequence are evaluated one at a a time, and the result of the last expression is the result of the expression sequence.

In the above example, the first expression in the sequence, println("A"), is evaluated, and then the last expression, 42, is the result of the sequence and is stored in x. x is then printed to the screen.

Structure Through Indentation

Some of you may be concerned about Stanza's use of structure through indentation due to how this system has been implemented in the past. Don't worry. Stanza's indentation structuring mechanism is very simple and predictable.

The indentation structuring mechanism is governed by a single rule: a line ending colon automatically inserts parentheses around the following indented block.

Thus, after the implicit parentheses have been added, the previous sign example looks like this.

defn sign (x:Int) : (
   if x < 0 : (
   else if x == 0 : (
   else : (

A program with no line ending colons can even be written on a single line if desired.

defn sign (x:Int) : (if x < 0 : (-1) else if x == 0 : (0) else : (1))

Here is one more example.

defn hakuna () :

becomes the following after implicit parentheses are added.

defn hakuna () : (

Here is hakuna written out on a single line.

defn hakuna () : (println("Timon") println("Pumbaa"))

As you may have noticed, the indentation mechanism is simply used as a shorthand for creating expression sequences out of indented blocks.

While Loops

The following

var x = 1
while x < 1000 :
   println("x is %_" % [x])
   x = x * 2

prints out

x is 1
x is 2
x is 4
x is 8
x is 16
x is 32
x is 64
x is 128
x is 256
x is 512

Here is the general form.

while predicate : body   

A while loop repeatedly evaluates a block of code so long as the predicate expression evaluates to true.

Here is the order in which the while loop does things.

  1. Evaluate the predicate.
  2. If the predicate evaluates to false, then the loop is done.
  3. Otherwise, evaluate the body and then repeat from step 1.

For "Loops"

Stanza's for construct is extremely powerful. "Loops" is in double quotes because, strictly speaking, the for construct is not a looping mechanism. But it is often used as one, so we'll explain it here as if it were. Later, we'll learn the general form of the for construct.

Counting Loops

The following

for i in 0 to 4 do :
   println("Pumbaa is Better!")

prints out Pumbaa is Better! four times.

The following

for i in 0 to 4 do :
   println("i is %_" % [i])

prints out

i is 0
i is 1
i is 2
i is 3

A counting loop has this general form.

for x in start to end do : body

For each integer between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive), the body is evaluated once with x bound to that integer.

Range Expressions

In the previous example, the expression 0 to 4 creates a Range object. A Range object represents a sequence of integers between some starting index and optional ending index.

Here's how to create a Range object that counts up in steps of 2.

0 to 10 by 2

It represents the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.

The following

for i in 0 to 10 by 2 do :
   println("i is %_" % [i])

prints out

i is 0
i is 2
i is 4
i is 6
i is 8

To make the ending index inclusive rather than exclusive, use the through keyword rather than the to keyword.

0 through 10 by 2

represents the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

If you use false for the ending index, then the range represents an infinite sequence of numbers.

0 to false by 3

represents the numbers 0, 3, 6, 9, ....

Labeled Scopes

For Returning Early

As you've learned so far, functions return the result of the last expression in its body. But what if you want to return earlier?

As an example, here's a function that computes the n'th fibonacci number.

defn fibonacci (n:Int) -> Int :
   var a:Int = 0
   var b:Int = 1
   var i = 0
   while i < n :
      val c = a + b
      a = b
      b = c
      i = i + 1

Let's use a labeled scope to change fibonacci to return -1 immediately if the argument n is negative.

defn fibonacci (n:Int) -> Int :
   label<Int> myreturn :
      if n < 0 : myreturn(-1)
      var a:Int = 0
      var b:Int = 1
      var i = 0
      while i < n :
         val c = a + b
         a = b
         b = c
         i = i + 1

The first line within the labeled scope

if n < 0 : myreturn(-1)

checks to see whether n is negative, and if it is, it immediately returns the value -1 from the function by calling the exit function myreturn.

For Breaking From Loops

Labeled scopes are also useful for breaking early out of loops.

Here's how the while loop in fibonacci could have been written.

defn fibonacci (n:Int) -> Int :
   var a:Int = 0
   var b:Int = 1
   var i = 0
   label<False> break :
      while true :
         if i == n : break(false)
         val c = a + b
         a = b
         b = c
         i = i + 1

The code above starts an infinite loop, but breaks out of it when i is equal to n.

General Form

The general form of a labeled scope is

label<Type> exit :

Type is the type of the value returned by the labeled scope and exit is the name of the exit function.

You can name the exit function whatever you like. When used to return early from a function, return is a popular name for the exit function. When used to break early from a loop, break is a popular name.

The label construct simply executes the given body. If the exit function is never called then the result of the body expression is the result of the label construct. If the exit function is called, then we immediately stop evaluation of the body, and the argument to the exit function is the result of the label construct.

Well-Typed Labeled Scopes

The type annotation on the label construct enforces two properties.

  1. The argument to the exit function must be of the specified type.
  2. The result of the body itself must be of the specified type, as that is the value that is returned by the label construct if the exit function is never called.

The first restriction is fairly obvious. If you pass an argument of the wrong type to the exit function

defn fibonacci (n:Int) -> Int :
   label<Int> myreturn :
      if n < 0 : myreturn("Timon")
      var a:Int = 0
      var b:Int = 1
      var i = 0
      while i < n :
         val c = a + b
         a = b
         b = c
         i = i + 1

then Stanza will issue an error.

Cannot call function myreturn of type Int -> Void with arguments of type (String).

The second restriction sometimes arises in more subtle situations. The following function computes the first integer whose square is greater than 1000.

defn first-big-square () :
   label<Int> return :
      for i in 0 to false do :
         if i * i > 1000 :

But compiling it gives us this error.

Cannot return an expression of type False for anonymous function
with declared return type Int.

This message says that the body of the labeled scope returns False but it's declared to return Int. This arises because the for construct with the do operating function returns false, but the type annotation on the label construct was Int.

Since we know that the return exit function is guaranteed to be called, we can explicitly handle this case by causing the program to fail if the loop ever finished without calling return.

defn first-big-square () :
   label<Int> return :
      for i in 0 to false do :
         if i * i > 1000 :
      fatal("Unreachable Statement")      

Scopes and the Let Expression

We have now seen a number of expressions that introduce a new scope: functions, while loops, for loops, if expressions, and labeled scopes. Values and variables defined within a scope are only visible within that scope. For example, in the following code

val x = 3
if x < 5 :
   val y = 10
else :
   val z = 12

y is in the scope of the consequent branch of the if expression, and it is only visible from within the consequent branch of the if expression. And z is only visible from within the alternate branch of the if expression. Referencing y and z from outside the scope in which they were declared

val x = 3
if x < 5 :
   val y = 10
else :
   val z = 12

is illegal and would not pass the Stanza compiler.

Scopes may themselves contain other nested scopes. In the above example, x's scope, contains both the scope of the consequent branch, and the scope of the alternate branch of the if statement. At any point in the program, you may only refer to a value or variable defined in a containing scope. The following is legal.

val x = 3
if x < 5 :
   val y = 10
else :
   val z = 12

If there are multiple values with the same name that are visible, you automatically refer to the one in the nearest scope. Thus the following code prints 11, not 3.

val x = 3
if x < 10 :
   val x = 11

This feature is called shadowing.

Sometimes it is useful to artificially introduce a new scope, simply because you will define a number of values that you only want visible within the scope. You can do this using the let expression.

val x = 3
let :
   val y = 4

In the above code, the let expression introduces a new scope where y is defined. After the let expression, y will no longer be visible.


Arrays are one of Stanza's most fundamental datastructures. The following

val a = Array<Int>(10)

creates an array of length 10 and gives it the name a. You can imagine an array to look like a row of boxes, into which you can put and retrieve objects. So a is a row of ten boxes, each capable of holding an integer.

Putting Things In

You can put things into the boxes like this.

a[0] = 42
a[1] = 13

The first box is numbered box 0. The next box is numbered box 1. The last box in a is box 9 because a has only ten boxes in total.

Getting Things Out

You can retrieve the contents of boxes like this.


prints out


Asking For Its Length

You can call the length function to ask for the length of an array.

val l = length(a)
println("a has %_ boxes." % [l])

prints out

a has 10 boxes.

The type of a is Array<Int> indicating that it is an array for holding integers. An array for holding strings would have type Array<String>. And an array that can hold anything would have type Array<?>.

Arrays and Loops

Arrays are most powerful when combined with loops. This function

defn array-sum (xs:Array<Int>) :
   var sum = 0
   for i in 0 to length(xs) do :
      sum = sum + xs[i]

computes the sum of every integer in an array. Let's use it to compute the sum of 10, 11, 7, and 8.

val a = Array<Int>(4)
a[0] = 10
a[1] = 11
a[2] = 7
a[3] = 8

prints out



Tuples represent an immutable collection of items. The following creates a two-element type.

val t:[Int, String] = [42, "Hello"]

It contains an Int and a String. To extract the elements of a tuple, type

val [x, y] = t

The above code checks that t is a two-element tuple, and then puts the first element of t in x and the second element of t in y.

Notice that the type of the expression [42, "Hello"] is [Int, String]. That type says its a two-element tuple containing an Int and a String.

Returning Multiple Values

Tuples are often used to return multiple values from a function. The following function takes an argument, n, and a distance, d, and returns both n - d and n + d.

defn bracket (n:Int, d:Int) :
   [n - d, n + d]

We can call and receive both return values from bracket like this.

val [lo, hi] = bracket(5, 3)
println("Bracket around %_ and %_" % [lo, hi])

Basic Types

At this point, we have seen a couple of different types now. Here is a listing of the other basic types in Stanza.

Byte :     e.g. 1Y, 42Y, 255Y
Int :      e.g. 10, 42
Long :     e.g. 10L, 420020020L
Float :    e.g. 1.0f, 42.0f
Double :   e.g. 1.0, 42.0
String :   e.g. "Timon", "Pumbaa"
Char :     e.g. 'a', 'Z'
True :     e.g. true
False :    e.g. false

As we've said already, the ? type is special and any value can be passed to a place expecting a ?.

All of the types listed in the previous table are examples of ground types. It means that you refer to them simply by their name and they don't take any parameters. With the introduction of arrays, you have now also been introduced to your first parametric type.

Array<Int> :          Arrays of Ints
Array<String> :       Arrays of Strings
Array<Array<Int>> :   Arrays of Arrays of Ints
Array<?> :            Arrays of anything

Unlike ground types, parametric types take additional type parameters. An array needs to know what type of objects it holds, so it has one type parameter for specifying that.

Note that for parametric types, if you leave off its parameters, then it is equivalent to specifying ? for all of its type parameters. Thus


is equivalent to




is equivalent to


Tuple types have their own syntax, and consists of surrounding the types of all of its elements with the [] brackets. Here is a tuple containing an integer and a string.

[Int, String]

Here is a tuple containing an integer, a string, and a tuple of a single integer.

[Int, String, [Int]]


For convenience, Stanza provides a simple way to create compound types out of existing types using structs. Here is how to define a new Dog type with two fields, a name, and a breed.

defstruct Dog :
   name: String
   breed: String

Once Dog is defined, you can create new Dog objects by calling the Dog function.

val d1 = Dog("Chance", "Pitbull")
val d2 = Dog("Shadow", "Golden Retriever")

Getter Functions

To retrieve the values of the fields it was constructed from, you may call the name and breed getter functions.

println("%_ is a %_." % [name(d1), breed(d1)])

prints out

Chance is a Pitbull.

Struct Type

Additionally, once a struct is defined, you may now also use it as the name of a type. Here is a function that prints out the contents of an array of Dog objects.

defn kennel-contents (dogs:Array<Dog>) :
   println("There are %_ dogs in the kennel." % [length(dogs)])
   for i in 0 to length(dogs) do :
      println("%_ the %_" % [name(dogs[i]), breed(dogs[i])])

Let's try calling kennel-contents.

val kennel = Array<Dog>(3)
kennel[0] = Dog("Chance", "Pitbull")
kennel[1] = Dog("Shadow", "Golden Retriever")
kennel[2] = Dog("Bud", "Basketball Player")

prints out

There are 3 dogs in the kennel.
Chance the Pitbull
Shadow the Golden Retriever
Bud the Basketball Player

Structs are just a convenient form for quickly declaring a new type, constructor function, and getter functions. Later we'll learn the general method for creating new types.


  1. Write a function called nearest-pow-2 that takes a single positive integer n and returns the closest number to n that can be represented as a power of 2.
  2. Write a program that prints out different messages depending on a value called temperature. If temperature is below 20, then print Too Cold!. If it is between 20 and 40 then print Getting There!, and print Pumbaa Approves! if it is over 40.
  3. Use a for loop and a variable to compute the sum of all the integers between 100 (inclusive) to 500 (also inclusive).
  4. Use a labeled scope and for loops to compute the minimum number, n, for which the sum of the integers between 0 and n (inclusive) is above 10000.
  5. Use a while loop and variables to calculate the great common divisor of two variables, x and y. The Euclidean algorithm is the simplest one to use. Look online for a description about how the algorithm works.
  6. Write a function to print out the following pattern of stars. Allow the width and height of the rectangle to be indicated by the arguments width and height respectively.
    *           *
    *           *
    *           *
    *           *
    *           *
    *           *
  7. Write a program to print out the following pattern of stars. Allow the height of the triangle to be indicated by an argument named height.
  8. For the following code, predict what will be printed out and then test your prediction.
    val x = 42
    let :
       val x = "Hi"
       let :
          val x = 42
       let :
          val x = "There"
    let :
       val x = x + 1
  9. For the following code, write it out completely on a single line, grouping expressions with parentheses where necessary. Run both versions and ensure that they behave identically.
    val x = (42 10)
    for i in 0 to 10 do :
    for i in 0 to 10 do : println("D")