Architecting Programs

Stanza's object system differs significantly from most other programming languages. Most other languages (e.g. Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, C++, Swift, Scala, OCaml, etc.) employ a class based object system. In a class based object system, each thing in the program is represented using a class. For each ability that a thing has, the user adds another method to its class. Classes have all the power in a class-based object system. Methods live inside classes.

In contrast, Stanza employs a class-less object system. In Stanza, each thing is represented as a type. There is a minimal set of fundamental operations that defines the behaviour of a type. After that, everything that can be done with each thing is implemented as a simple function. Both types and functions have equal standing. Types do not live inside functions, nor do functions live inside types. The careful balance between these constructs is what gives Stanza its flexibility and architectural power.

A Shape Library

In shapes.stanza, let's create a package for creating and manipulating two-dimensional shapes.

defpackage shapes :
   import core
   import math

public defstruct Point :
   x: Double
   y: Double

public defstruct Circle :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   radius: Double

public defn area (s:Point|Circle) -> Double :
   match(s) :
      (s:Point) : 0.0
      (s:Circle) : PI * radius(s) * radius(s)

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, p:Point) :
   print(o, "Point(%_, %_)" % [x(p), y(p)])

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, c:Circle) :
   print(o, "Circle(%_, %_, radius = %_)" % [x(c), y(c), radius(c)])

The shapes package contains struct definitions for points and circles, methods for printing them, as well as an area function for computing the areas of these shapes. It imports the math package to access the definition of the mathematical constant PI.

In shapes-main.stanza, as our main program, let's compute the total area of a bunch of shapes.

defpackage shapes/main :
   import core
   import collections
   import shapes

defn total-area (ss:Vector<Point|Circle>) :
   var total = 0.0
   for s in ss do :
      total = total + area(s)

defn main () :
   val ss = Vector<Point|Circle>()
   add(ss, Point(1.0, 1.0))
   add(ss, Circle(2.0, 2.0, 3.0))
   add(ss, Circle(3.0, 0.0, 1.0))
   println("Total area = %_" % [total-area(ss)])


Compile and run the program by typing the following in the terminal.

stanza shapes.stanza shapes-main.stanza -o shapes

It should print out

[Point(1.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000)
Circle(2.000000000000000, 2.000000000000000, radius = 3.000000000000000)
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)]
Total area = 31.415926535897931

Creating a New Shape

Our shapes package supports points and circles, but let's now extend it to support rectangles. What do we need to change in order to support another shape?

  1. First we need to define a Rectangle struct for representing rectangles.
  2. Next we need to provide custom printing behavior for rectangles.
  3. We need to change area's type signature to now accept a Point|Circle|Rectangle.
  4. We need to add another branch to the implementation of area to support rectangles.
  5. We need to change total-area's type signature to now accept a Vector<Point|Circle|Rectangle>.
  6. We need to change how ss is created to allow it to also hold rectangles.

The first two items are straightforward so let's do that immediately.

public defstruct Rectangle :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   width: Double
   height: Double

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, r:Rectangle) :
   print(o, "Rectangle(%_, %_, size = %_ x %_)" %
         [x(r), y(r), width(r), height(r)])

A rectangle is defined by the coordinates of its bottom-left corner and its width and height.

The other items on the list are not hard to implement at present but it is clear that it is not a sustainable strategy. Here's how it would look.

area in the shapes package is updated to

public defn area (s:Point|Circle|Rectangle) -> Double :
   match(s) :
      (s:Point) : 0.0
      (s:Circle) : PI * radius(s) * radius(s)
      (s:Rectangle) : width(s) * height(s)

total-area in the shapes/main package is updated to

defn total-area (ss:Vector<Point|Circle|Rectangle>) :
   var total = 0.0
   for s in ss do :
      total = total + area(s)

And the creation of ss in the main function is updated to

val ss = Vector<Point|Circle|Rectangle>()

It is not a pretty solution. Imagine if we had ten more types shapes to define. area's type signature would quickly become unwieldy as we tack on more and more types to the argument. Every new shape requires manually editing the internals of the area function. Currently area is the only function defined on shapes, but what if there were a dozen more? Would we have to manually edit the internals of each of them?

By far, the worst aspect of the solution is the need to update the definition of the user's total-area function and ss vector. The user simply wants total-area to accept a vector of shapes. Which shapes? Well, any shape! There must be a better way to express that than an explicit union containing the names of every single type of shape currently defined.


Here is the definition of a new type called Shape.

public deftype Shape

A Shape is a general representation of a two-dimensional shape. If an object has type Shape, then we know that it is definitely a shape, though we may not know which particular shape it is.

Here is how to annotate our Point struct as being a subtype of Shape.

public defstruct Point <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double

This annotation tells Stanza that all points are shapes. Thus if we write a function that requires Shape objects,

defn its-a-shape (s:Shape) :
   println("%_ is a shape!" % [s])

then we are allowed to pass it Point objects. The following

its-a-shape(Point(1.0, 2.0))

compiles correctly and prints out

Point(1.000000000000000, 2.000000000000000) is a shape!

Note, however, that though all points are shapes, not all shapes are points. Thus if we write a function that requires Point objects,

defn its-a-point (p:Point) :
   println("%_ is a point!" % [p])

and try it to call it with a Shape object,

var s:Shape

Stanza will give the following error.

Cannot call function its-a-point of type Point -> False with arguments
of type (Shape).

Thus the relationship

Point <: Shape

says that Point is a subtype of Shape, meaning that all Point objects are also Shape objects (but not vice versa).

Code Cleanup

Now that we have a definition for Shape, let's indicate this relationship for all of our shape structs.

public defstruct Point <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double

public defstruct Circle <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   radius: Double

public defstruct Rectangle <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   width: Double
   height: Double

Now all of our shape structs are also subtypes of Shape. This allows us to clean up many of the type signatures, both in the shapes package and in the shapes/main package.

The type signature for area is simplified.

public defn area (s:Shape) -> Double :
   match(s) :
      (s:Point) : 0.0
      (s:Circle) : PI * radius(s) * radius(s)
      (s:Rectangle) : width(s) * height(s)

The type signature for total-area is simplified.

defn total-area (ss:Vector<Shape>) :
   var total = 0.0
   for s in ss do :
      total = total + area(s)

And the creation of ss is simplified.

val ss = Vector<Shape>()

Notice that with these simplifications, items 3, 5, and 6 on our checklist for creating new shapes are no longer necessary.

Multis and Methods

Our shape package is architecturally fairly complete at this point. It currently supports points, circles and rectangles, and we can calculate the area of each of them. If we need another shape, e.g. lines, then all we have to do is define a Line struct and edit area to support Line objects.

The Need for Extensibility

There remains one limitation to our shapes library however. Suppose that we are the authors and maintainers in charge of the shapes library, and that there are many users who use the shapes package for their daily work. What should a user do if our library does not support a shape that he needs? This is a likely scenario, because it is implausible for us to have fully considered the shape needs of every user. And often, some user's needs are so specific that we don't want to support it in the standard shapes library. It will just end up cluttering the library and confusing the rest of the users. For example, it seems inappropriate to support the Salinon shape in the standard library.

What we can do however, is to allow users to define their own shapes. Then typical users can stay content using the standard shapes in the library, and power users can define their own shapes for their own use.

Users can almost do this. They can create their own shape struct, and provide custom printing behaviour for it. Let us portray here a user working on greek architecture, and who has started defining his own extensions to the shape library in the file greek-shapes.stanza.

defpackage greek-shapes :
   import core
   import shapes

public defstruct Salinon <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   outer-radius: Double
   inner-radius: Double

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, s:Salinon) :
   print(o, "Salinon(%_, %_, outer-radius = %_, inner-radius = %_)" % [
      x(s), y(s), outer-radius(s), inner-radius(s)])

The problem though is that the user has no way of extending area to support Salinon shapes, because that would require editing the code in the shapes package, which he does not have access to.

defmulti and defmethod

The solution is to declare area not as a function but as a multi.

public defmulti area (s:Shape) -> Double

Note that the definition of a multi does not include a body. It simply says that area is a multi that when called with a Shape returns a Double.

Here is how to attach a method to a multi.

defmethod area (p:Point) -> Double :

This definition tells Stanza that when the area multi is called on a Point then simply return 0.0.

Here are the methods for area for circles and rectangles.

defmethod area (c:Circle) :
   PI * radius(c) * radius(c)

defmethod area (r:Rectangle) :
   width(r) * height(r)

Notice that similar to functions, if the return type is not given, then it is inferred from the method body.

A multi can have any number of methods, and the methods can be distributed across any number of packages and source files. Thus our greek architect can now define a method for area for Salinon shapes in his own greek-shapes package.

defpackage greek-shapes :
   import core
   import shapes
   import math


defmethod area (s:Salinon) :
   val r = outer-radius(s) + inner-radius(s)
   PI * r * r / 4.0

You'll just have to trust me on the area of a salinon.

Let's go back to our main program now and include a couple of salinons in our ss vector.

defpackage shapes/main :
   import core
   import collections
   import shapes
   import greek-shapes


defn main () :
   val ss = Vector<Shape>()
   add(ss, Point(1.0, 1.0))
   add(ss, Circle(2.0, 2.0, 3.0))
   add(ss, Circle(3.0, 0.0, 1.0))
   add(ss, Salinon(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 5.0))
   add(ss, Salinon(5.0, -1.0, 8.0, 7.0))
   println("Total area = %_" % [total-area(ss)])


Compile and run the program by typing

stanza shapes.stanza greek-shapes.stanza shapes-main.stanza -o shapes

The program should print out

[Point(1.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000)
Circle(2.000000000000000, 2.000000000000000, radius = 3.000000000000000)
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
Salinon(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 10.000000000000000, inner-radius = 5.000000000000000)
Salinon(5.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 8.000000000000000, inner-radius = 7.000000000000000)]
Total area = 384.845100064749658

The following listing contains the complete program.

Program Listing

In shapes.stanza

defpackage shapes :
   import core
   import math

public deftype Shape

public defstruct Point <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double

public defstruct Circle <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   radius: Double

public defstruct Rectangle <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   width: Double
   height: Double

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, p:Point) :
   print(o, "Point(%_, %_)" % [x(p), y(p)])

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, c:Circle) :
   print(o, "Circle(%_, %_, radius = %_)" % [x(c), y(c), radius(c)])

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, r:Rectangle) :
   print(o, "Rectangle(%_, %_, size = %_ x %_)" %
         [x(r), y(r), width(r), height(r)])

public defmulti area (s:Shape) -> Double

defmethod area (p:Point) -> Double :

defmethod area (c:Circle) :
   PI * radius(c) * radius(c)

defmethod area (r:Rectangle) :
   width(r) * height(r)

In greek-shapes.stanza

defpackage greek-shapes :
   import core
   import shapes
   import math

public defstruct Salinon <: Shape :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   outer-radius: Double
   inner-radius: Double

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, s:Salinon) :
   print(o, "Salinon(%_, %_, outer-radius = %_, inner-radius = %_)" % [
      x(s), y(s), outer-radius(s), inner-radius(s)])

defmethod area (s:Salinon) :
   val r = outer-radius(s) + inner-radius(s)
   PI * r * r / 4.0

In shapes-main.stanza

defpackage shapes/main :
   import core
   import collections
   import shapes
   import greek-shapes

defn total-area (ss:Vector<Shape>) :
   var total = 0.0
   for s in ss do :
      total = total + area(s)

defn main () :
   val ss = Vector<Shape>()
   add(ss, Point(1.0, 1.0))
   add(ss, Circle(2.0, 2.0, 3.0))
   add(ss, Circle(3.0, 0.0, 1.0))
   add(ss, Salinon(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 5.0))
   add(ss, Salinon(5.0, -1.0, 8.0, 7.0))
   println("Total area = %_" % [total-area(ss)])


Default Methods

Our current implementation of area does not have a default method. This means that if we call area with a shape that has no appropriate method, then the program will crash. Let's try this by commenting out the method for computing the areas of salinons and try running our program again.

;defmethod area (s:Salinon) :
;   val r = outer-radius(s) + inner-radius(s)
;   PI * r * r / 4.0

It should print out

[Point(1.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000)
Circle(2.000000000000000, 2.000000000000000, radius = 3.000000000000000)
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
Salinon(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 10.000000000000000, inner-radius = 5.000000000000000)
Salinon(5.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 8.000000000000000, inner-radius = 7.000000000000000)]
FATAL ERROR: No matching branch.
   at shapes.stanza:31.16
   at shapes-main.stanza:10.22
   at core/collections.stanza:182.15
   at core/core.stanza:4042.16
   at shapes-main.stanza:9.15
   at shapes-main.stanza:22.32
   at shapes-main.stanza:24.0

Let's instead provide a default method that is called when no other method matches. Add the following method to the shapes package

defmethod area (s:Shape) :
   println("No appropriate area method for %_." % [s])
   println("Returning 0.0.")

and run the program again. It should now print out

[Point(1.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000)
Circle(2.000000000000000, 2.000000000000000, radius = 3.000000000000000)
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
Salinon(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 10.000000000000000, inner-radius = 5.000000000000000)
Salinon(5.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 8.000000000000000, inner-radius = 7.000000000000000)]
No appropriate area method for
   Salinon(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
           outer-radius = 10.000000000000000, inner-radius = 5.000000000000000).
Returning 0.0.
No appropriate area method for
   Salinon(5.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000,
           outer-radius = 8.000000000000000, inner-radius = 7.000000000000000).
Returning 0.0.
Total area = 31.415926535897931

Default methods are often used to return a default value when no other method is appropriate. Another common use case for default methods is to provide a slow but general implementation of a certain function that works on any type in its domain, and then use methods to provide efficient implementations for specialized types.

Underneath the Hood

To help you better understand how the multi and method system works, here is what is happening underneath the hood. When a Stanza program is compiled it searches through all the packages and gathers up all the methods defined for each multi. In our shapes example, that gives us

public defmulti area (s:Shape) -> Double
defmethod area (s:Shape) :
   println("No appropriate area method for %_." % [s])
   println("Returning 0.0.")
defmethod area (p:Point) -> Double :
defmethod area (c:Circle) :
   PI * radius(c) * radius(c)
defmethod area (r:Rectangle) :
   width(r) * height(r)
defmethod area (s:Salinon) :
   val r = outer-radius(s) + inner-radius(s)
   PI * r * r / 4.0

These methods are then sorted from most specific to least specific, and the multi is transformed into a single function with a match expression for selecting which method to call.

public defn area (s:Shape) -> Double :
   match(s) :
      (p:Point) :
      (c:Circle) :
         PI * radius(c) * radius(c)
      (r:Rectangle) :
         width(r) * height(r)
      (s:Salinon) :
         val r = outer-radius(s) + inner-radius(s)
         PI * r * r / 4.0
      (s:Shape) :
         println("No appropriate area method for %_." % [s])
         println("Returning 0.0.")

Notice how the default method for Shape is positioned as the last branch in the match expression as it is the least specific method.

Thus this engine demonstrates that Stanza's multi and method system can simply be thought of as a way of writing match expressions but with its branches distributed across multiple packages.

Intersection Types

Multiple Parent Types

Suppose we have a type called Rollable with the following multi declared.

deftype Rollable
defmulti roll-distance (r:Rollable) -> Double

roll-distance computes the distance traveled by a Rollable object in one revolution.

We now wish to make Circle a subtype of Rollable and provide it an appropriate method for roll-distance, but Circle is already declared to be a subtype of Shape! The solution is to declare Circle as both a subtype of Shape and Rollable.

public defstruct Circle <: Shape & Rollable :
   x: Double
   y: Double
   radius: Double

This is an example of using an intersection type. Now we can provide a method for roll-distance on Circle objects.

defmethod roll-distance (c:Circle) :
   2.0 * PI * radius(c)

A circle rolls exactly the length of its diameter in one revolution.

Let's try it out!

defn try-rolling () :
   val c = Circle(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
   println("The circle %_ rolls %_ units in one revolution." % [c, roll-distance(c)])


Compiling and running the above prints out

The circle Circle(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
                  radius = 10.000000000000000)
rolls 62.831853071795862 units in one revolution.

Intersection Types as Arguments

Let's suppose that we're about to make a pizza, and we need to choose the shape of its base. Additionally, we're experimenting with new pizza delivery methods, and would also like the pizza to be able to roll.

Here's the function that makes our pizza.

defn make-pizza (base:Shape & Rollable) :
   println("Let's make a pizza!")
   println("The base will have shape %_." % [base])
   println("And it will have area %_." % [area(base)])
   println("Plus when we roll it, it travels %_ units!" % [roll-distance(base)])

Because we call area on base we know that the base needs to be a type of Shape object. But we also call roll-distance on base, and so base will also have to be a type of Rollable object. Thus base is declared to be both Shape and Rollable.

Let's try it out!

make-pizza(Circle(0.0, 0.0, 10.0))

Compiling and running the above prints out

Let's make a pizza!
The base will have shape Circle(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
                                radius = 10.000000000000000).
And it will have area 314.159265358979326.
Plus when we roll it, it travels 62.831853071795862 units!

So circular pizzas will be our first foray into rolling self-delivering pizzas!

The argument that make-pizza requires needs to be both a Shape and a Rollable. We do have other shapes available that are not Rollable. Here is what happens if we try to make a rectangular pizza for example.

make-pizza(Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 3.0))

Attempting to compile the above gives us the following error.

Cannot call function make-pizza of type Rollable&Shape -> False 
with arguments of type (Rectangle).

Thus Stanza correctly prevents us from attempting to make pizzas out of shapes that don't roll.

The Flexibility of Functions

In the beginning of the chapter we said that Stanza's class-less object system gives you flexibility you wouldn't have in a typical class based language. Here is a demonstration of that.

The definition of the Circle struct in the shapes package defines circles using their x and y coordinates, and their radius. But what if, as a user, we don't like this convention and instead want to define circles given a Point to represent their center, and their diameter? Stanza allows us to easily do that.

Here is shape-utils.stanza, which contains a user defined package with his own utilities for managing shapes.

defpackage shape-utils :
   import core
   import shapes

public defn Circle (center:Point, diameter:Double) :
   Circle(x(center), y(center), diameter / 2.0)

public defn diameter (c:Circle) :
   radius(c) * 2.0

public defn center (c:Circle) :
   Point(x(c), y(c))

With this package, users can now use circles as if they were defined with a center point and a diameter instead of a pair of x, and y coordinates and a radius. Let's update our main function to use this new convention.

defpackage shapes/main :
   import core
   import collections
   import shapes
   import greek-shapes
   import shape-utils

defn main () :
   val ss = Vector<Shape>()
   add(ss, Point(1.0, 1.0))
   add(ss, Circle(Point(2.0, 2.0), 6.0))
   add(ss, Circle(Point(3.0, 0.0), 2.0))
   add(ss, Salinon(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 5.0))
   add(ss, Salinon(5.0, -1.0, 8.0, 7.0))
   println("Total area = %_" % [total-area(ss)])

Run the program to see that it continues to print out the same message as before.

[Point(1.000000000000000, 1.000000000000000)
Circle(2.000000000000000, 2.000000000000000, radius = 3.000000000000000)
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
Salinon(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 10.000000000000000, inner-radius = 5.000000000000000)
Salinon(5.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000,
         outer-radius = 8.000000000000000, inner-radius = 7.000000000000000)]
Total area = 384.845100064749658

Note that the center and diameter functions in the shape-utils package are no less "special" or "fundamental" than the x, y, and radius functions in the shapes package. Users can use whichever representation they prefer. Most importantly, adding this functionality did not require the user to communicate with the authors of the shapes package at all.

We can similarly add support for a new representation of rectangles. Currently, a rectangle is represented using the x, and y coordinates of its bottom-left corner and its width and height. Let's add support for representing rectangles given its bottom-left point and its top-right point.

public defn Rectangle (bottom-left:Point, top-right:Point) :
   val w = x(top-right) - x(bottom-left)
   val h = y(top-right) - y(bottom-left)
   if (w < 0.0) or (h < 0.0) : fatal("Illegal Rectangle!")
   Rectangle(x(bottom-left), y(bottom-left), w, h)
public defn bottom-left (r:Rectangle) :
   Point(x(r), y(r))

public defn top-right (r:Rectangle) :
   Point(x(r) + width(r), y(r) + height(r))

Again, the bottom-left and top-right functions in the shape-utils package are no less "fundamental" than the x, y, width, and height functions in the shapes package.

Fundamental and Derived Operations

Things in your program are modeled using types in Stanza. Anything than can be done using a type is implemented as a function (or multi). These operations are further categorized into fundamental and derived operations.

The area function for Shape objects is an example of a fundamental operation. At least in our shapes package, a shape is defined by its property of having an area. In fact, the only thing that all shapes have in common is that you can compute their area. And when defining a new type of shape, users must also define an appropriate method for area.

Here is an example of a derived operation on shapes.

public defn sort-by-area (xs:Array<Shape>) :
   var sorted? = false
   while not sorted? :
      sorted? = true
      for i in 0 to (length(xs) - 1) do :
         if area(xs[i + 1]) < area(xs[i]) :
            val a = xs[i]
            val b = xs[i + 1]
            xs[i] = b
            xs[i + 1] = a
            sorted? = false      

This operation allows you to sort an array of shapes by increasing area. By reading its definition, you can see that it will work on all shapes, because the only operation it requires is the ability to call area. A derived operation is a function implemented in terms of a type's fundamental operations.

When defining a new subtype of an existing type, users must implement a small set of fundamental operations to ensure correct operation of their subtype. In the core library documentation, this set is called the mandatory minimal implementation.

The typical architecture of a Stanza program is to define a small number of fundamental operations for each type, coupled with a large library of derived operations. Structuring your program in this way gives you the most flexibility and extensibility. Adding new derived operations is as simple as defining a new function and is very easy. Defining new types is also easy as their mandatory minimal implementations are small.

Multiple Dispatch

The area multi in the shapes package accepts only a single argument, and at runtime it dispatches to the appropriate method depending on the type of the argument. Stanza places no restriction on the number of arguments that a multi can take, so users can write multis that dispatches to the appropriate method depending on the types of multiple arguments. This feature is called multiple dispatch.

We will demonstrate the power of multiple dispatch by writing an overlaps? function that decides whether two shapes are overlapping. Here is the definition of the multi.

public defmulti overlaps? (a:Shape, b:Shape) -> True|False

It returns true if the shape a overlaps with shape b, or false otherwise.

Points have zero area, so two points overlap only if they are exactly equal to each other.

defmethod overlaps? (a:Point, b:Point) :
   (x(a) == x(b)) and (y(a) == y(b))

A circle overlaps with a point if the distance between the point and the center of the circle is less than or equal to the radius of the circle.

defmethod overlaps? (a:Point, b:Circle) :
   val dx = x(b) - x(a)
   val dy = y(b) - y(a)
   val r = radius(b)
   dx * dx + dy * dy <= r * r

Stanza makes no assumption that overlaps? is commutative. So we explicitly tell Stanza that a circle overlaps with a point if the point overlaps with the circle.

defmethod overlaps? (a:Circle, b:Point) :
   overlaps?(b, a)

Finally, two circles overlap if the center of circle a overlaps with a circle with the same center as circle b but with radius equal to the sum of both circles.

defmethod overlaps? (a:Circle, b:Circle) :
   overlaps?(Point(x(a), y(a)), Circle(x(b), y(b), radius(b) + radius(a)))

With these definitions, overlaps? completely handles points and circles. Let's try it out.

defn test-overlap (a:Shape, b:Shape) :
   if overlaps?(a, b) : println("overlaps with")
   else : println("does not overlap with")
defn try-overlaps () :
   val pt-a = Point(0.0, 0.0)
   val pt-b = Point(0.0, 3.0)
   val circ-a = Circle(0.0, 3.0, 1.0)
   val circ-b = Circle(3.0, 0.0, 1.0)
   val circ-c = Circle(0.0, 0.0, 3.0)
   test-overlap(pt-a, pt-b)
   test-overlap(circ-a, circ-b)
   test-overlap(pt-b, circ-b)
   test-overlap(circ-a, pt-b)
   test-overlap(circ-c, circ-a)


The above prints out

Point(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000)
does not overlap with
Point(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000)

Circle(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
does not overlap with
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)

Point(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000)
does not overlap with
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)

Circle(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
overlaps with
Point(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000)

Circle(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 3.000000000000000)
overlaps with
Circle(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)

As an exercise, you may try to implement the rest of the methods required for overlaps? to also work on rectangles. The brave and adventurous amongst you can try supporting salinons as well.

Ambiguous Methods

A multi dispatches to the most specific method appropriate for the types of the arguments. However, there are sometimes multiple methods that are equally specific, and it is ambiguous which method should be called.

As an example, consider the very strange shape, the Blob. The blob has the very strange property that it overlaps with no shape, but every shape overlaps with it.

defstruct Blob <: Shape
defmethod print (o:OutputStream, b:Blob) : print(o, "Amorphous Blob")
defmethod overlaps? (a:Blob, b:Shape) : false
defmethod overlaps? (a:Shape, b:Blob) : true

Let's try it out.

defn try-overlaps () :
   val pt-a = Point(0.0, 0.0)
   val pt-b = Point(0.0, 3.0)
   val circ-a = Circle(0.0, 3.0, 1.0)
   val circ-b = Circle(3.0, 0.0, 1.0)
   val circ-c = Circle(0.0, 0.0, 3.0)
   val blob = Blob()
   test-overlap(pt-a, blob)
   test-overlap(circ-a, blob)
   test-overlap(blob, pt-b)
   test-overlap(blob, circ-b)

The program prints out

Point(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000)
overlaps with
Amorphous Blob

Circle(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
overlaps with
Amorphous Blob

Amorphous Blob
does not overlap with
Point(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000)

Amorphous Blob
does not overlap with
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)

But the real question is: does a blob overlap with a blob? Let's see.

defn try-overlaps () :
   val pt-a = Point(0.0, 0.0)
   val pt-b = Point(0.0, 3.0)
   val circ-a = Circle(0.0, 3.0, 1.0)
   val circ-b = Circle(3.0, 0.0, 1.0)
   val circ-c = Circle(0.0, 0.0, 3.0)
   val blob = Blob()
   test-overlap(pt-a, blob)
   test-overlap(circ-a, blob)
   test-overlap(blob, pt-b)
   test-overlap(blob, circ-b)
   test-overlap(blob, blob)

prints out

Point(0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000)
overlaps with
Amorphous Blob

Circle(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)
overlaps with
Amorphous Blob

Amorphous Blob
does not overlap with
Point(0.000000000000000, 3.000000000000000)

Amorphous Blob
does not overlap with
Circle(3.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, radius = 1.000000000000000)

Amorphous Blob
does not overlap with
Amorphous Blob

While there are two equally specific overlaps? methods, Stanza resolves the ambiguity by prioritizing function arguments from left-to-right. Since Blob is a subtype of Shape, and therefore stronger, Stanza uses the overlaps? instance where the first argument is a Blob. To verify this, try swapping the method bodies.

Revisiting Print

Now that you've been introduced to multis and methods, we can remove some of the mysteries surrounding the print function. So far, you've been told to follow a specific pattern to provide custom printing behaviour for your custom structs. For example, here is the print method defined for circles.

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, c:Circle) :
   print(o, "Circle(%_, %_, radius = %_)" % [x(c), y(c), radius(c)])

But now you can see that it is simply attaching a new method to a multi called print. The print multi is defined in the core package

defmulti print (o:OutputStream, x) -> False

and takes two arguments. The first is an OutputStream object that represents the target that you're printing to. The most common target is the standard output stream, i.e. the user's terminal. The second argument is the object that you're printing.

Thus far, you've only provided print methods for more specific types of x in order to print different types of objects. But later, you'll see how you can provide print methods for more specific types of o in order to print to different targets. And all of this works seamlessly due to the power of multiple dispatch.

The New Expression

The new expression is Stanza's fundamental construct for creating objects. All objects in Stanza are either literals (e.g. 1, 'x', "Timon"), or are created (directly or indirectly) by the new expression.

Let's define a type called Stack that represents a stack into which we can push and pop strings. Start a new file called stack.stanza. Here's the type definition for Stack and also two multis for the push and pop operations to which we will later attach methods, and a third multi for checking whether the stack is empty.

deftype Stack
defmulti push (s:Stack, x:String) -> False
defmulti pop (s:Stack) -> String
defmulti empty? (s:Stack) -> True|False

Let's provide it with custom printing behaviour.

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, s:Stack) :
   print(o, "Stack")

Now in our main function we will create a single Stack object and print it out.

defn main () :
   val s = new Stack
   println("s is a %_." % [s])


Compile the program and run it. It should print out

s is a Stack.

Thus the expression

new Stack

creates a new Stack object. We say that it creates a new instance of type Stack.

But this stack object thus far isn't terribly useful. The only thing it can do is print itself. Stanza does allow us to call push and pop on the stack, but it will just crash because we haven't attached any methods yet.

Instance Methods

The new expression allows us to define instance methods for the object being created. Here is an instance method for the empty? multi for the stack being created.

defn main () :
   val s = new Stack :
      defmethod empty? (this) :
   println("s is a %_." % [s])
   println("stack is empty? %_." % [empty?(s)])


We haven't defined any methods for pushing strings to the stack yet, so the empty? method simply returns true for now. Compile the program and run it. It should print out

s is a Stack.
stack is empty? true.

The instance method declaration looks similar to the standard method declarations that you've already learned except for one major difference. The this argument is very special. In an instance method declaration, this refers specifically to the object currently being created by new. In this case, the object being created is s. So the instance method is saying: if empty? is called on s then return true. Exactly one of the arguments of every instance method must be named this.

In fact, now that we've learned about instance methods, let's redefine the print method as an instance method for s. Delete the top-level print method, and add the following.

defn main () :
   val s = new Stack :
      defmethod empty? (this) :
      defmethod print (o:OutputStream, this) :
         print(o, "Stack")
   println("s is a %_." % [s])
   println("stack is empty? %_." % [empty?(s)])


Compile and run the program and verify that it prints the same message as before.

The Push and Pop Methods

We will now define the methods for push and pop. The stack contents will be held in an array, and we'll keep track of how many items are currently in the stack using a size variable. The array will be of length 10, so the maximum number of strings that the stack can hold is 10. Declare the following within the main function.

val items = Array<String>(10)
var size = 0

Next we'll declare the push method. Declare the following within the new expression.

defmethod push (this, x:String) :
   if size == 10 : fatal("Stack is full!")
   items[size] = x
   size = size + 1

The push method first ensures that the stack is not full. Then it stores x in the next slot in the array and increments the stack's size by one.

Here's the corresponding pop method.

defmethod pop (this) :
   if size == 0 : fatal("Stack is empty!")
   size = size - 1

The pop method first ensures that the stack is not empty. Then it decrements the stack's size by one, and returns the top item in the stack.

Here's the revised empty? method.

defmethod empty? (this) :
   size == 0

The stack is empty if its size is zero.

And finally, here's the revised print method.

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, this) :
   print(o, "Stack containing [")
   for i in 0 to size do :
      print(o, items[i])
      if i < size - 1 :
         print(o, " ")
   print(o, "]")   

It iterates through and prints all the strings currently in the stack.

Putting all the pieces together gives us the following main function. To test the stack, we try pushing and popping a few strings.

defn main () :
   val items = Array<String>(10)
   var size = 0
   val s = new Stack :
      defmethod push (this, x:String) :
         if size == 10 : fatal("Stack is full!")
         items[size] = x
         size = size + 1
      defmethod pop (this) :
         if size == 0 : fatal("Stack is empty!")
         size = size - 1
      defmethod empty? (this) :
         size == 0
      defmethod print (o:OutputStream, this) :
         print(o, "Stack containing [")
         for i in 0 to size do :
            print(o, items[i])
            if i < size - 1 :
               print(o, " ")
         print(o, "]")  


   push(s, "Pumbaa")
   push(s, "and")
   push(s, "Timon")
   val x = pop(s)
   println("Popped %_ from stack." % [x])

   val y = pop(s)
   println("Popped %_ from stack." % [y])


Compile and run the program. It should print out

Stack containing []
Stack containing [Pumbaa]
Stack containing [Pumbaa and Timon]
Popped Timon from stack.
Stack containing [Pumbaa and]
Popped and from stack.
Stack containing [Pumbaa]

Constructor Functions

In the above example, we created a stack called s directly in the main function. You may be thinking that this seems like a lot of work to create a single stack! What if we need to create multiple stacks?

The solution is to simply move the stack construction code into a new function and call it once for each stack we want to create. Here is a function called make-stack that accepts a capacity argument for specifying the maximum size supported by the stack.

defn make-stack (capacity:Int) -> Stack :
   val items = Array<String>(capacity)
   var size = 0
   new Stack :
      defmethod push (this, x:String) :
         if size == capacity : fatal("Stack is full!")
         items[size] = x
         size = size + 1
      defmethod pop (this) :
         if size == 0 : fatal("Stack is empty!")
         size = size - 1
      defmethod empty? (this) :
         size == 0
      defmethod print (o:OutputStream, this) :
         print(o, "Stack containing [")
         for i in 0 to size do :
            print(o, items[i])
            if i < size - 1 :
               print(o, " ")
         print(o, "]")   

Let's change our main function to create two stacks and push different strings into them.

defn main () :
   val s1 = make-stack(10)
   val s2 = make-stack(10)

   push(s1, "Timon")
   push(s1, "Pumbaa")
   push(s1, "Nala")
   push(s2, "Ryu")
   push(s2, "Ken")
   push(s2, "Makoto")

   println("Popped %_ from s1." % [pop(s1)])
   println("Popped %_ from s2." % [pop(s2)])

   println("Popped %_ from s1." % [pop(s1)])
   println("Popped %_ from s2." % [pop(s2)])


Compile and run the program. It should print out

Stack containing [Timon Pumbaa Nala]
Stack containing [Ryu Ken Makoto]
Popped Nala from s1.
Popped Makoto from s2.
Stack containing [Timon Pumbaa]
Stack containing [Ryu Ken]
Popped Pumbaa from s1.
Popped Ken from s2.
Stack containing [Timon]
Stack containing [Ryu]

Notice especially that the two stacks created by the separate calls to make-stack contain different strings and operate independently of each other.

We call make-stack a constructor function for Stack objects because it returns newly created Stack objects. If you are familiar with the object systems in other languages it might surprise you to see that there is nothing particularly special about constructor functions in Stanza. They're just regular functions. This lack of distinction between constructors and functions is another contributing factor to Stanza's flexibility. Constructors in class based languages are typically more "special" than regular functions, and while any user can define functions for a class, only the library's author can define more constructors for a class.

As a note on style, we named the constructor function for Stack objects make-stack in order to avoid confusing you. But the idiomatic Stanza style is to give the same name to the constructor function as the type of object it is constructing. So make-stack would simply be named Stack, and you will distinguish based on context whether a reference to Stack refers to the type or the function.

As a reminder, even with the new expression, you are still encouraged to keep the number of fundamental operations for a type small, and then implement as much functionality as derived operations as possible.

As an exercise, try implementing a function called UnboundedStack that constructs a Stack object with no maximum capacity. Then try it in place of Stack, and observe that there is no behavioural difference (save for capacity limitations) between stacks created with UnboundedStack and stacks created with Stack.

Revisiting Defstruct

defmulti, defmethod, deftype and new forms the fundamental constructs of Stanza's class-less object system. The defstruct construct that you have been using thus far is merely a syntactic shorthand for a specific usage pattern of new. Let's take a peek at its internals.

Here is a struct definition for a Dog object with a name field and a mutable breed field.

defstruct Dog <: Animal :
   name: String
   breed: String with: (setter => set-breed)

The above can be equivalently written as

deftype Dog <: Animal
defmulti name (d:Dog) -> String
defmulti breed (d:Dog) -> String
defmulti set-breed (d:Dog, breed:String) -> False

defn Dog (name:String, initial-breed:String) -> Dog :
   var breed = initial-breed
   new Dog :
      defmethod name (this) : name
      defmethod breed (this) : breed
      defmethod set-breed (this, b:String) : breed = b

Thus, the defstruct construct expands to

  1. a type definition,
  2. getter functions for each of its fields,
  3. setter functions for each of its mutable fields, and
  4. a constructor function for creating instances of the type.