Core Macros

The core macros are the default macros used for expanding s-expressions into Stanza core forms.


Function Type

A function type is specified using the -> operator. The arguments to the function are to the left-hand side of the ->, and the return type of the function is on the right-hand side of the ->.

(Int, Int) -> Int

If there is exactly a single argument, then the parentheses surrounding the argument types may be omitted.

Int -> Int

Intersection Type

An intersection type is specified using the & operator.

Seqable & Lengthable

Union Type

A union type is specified using the | operator.

Int | String

Captured Type Argument

A captured type argument is specified by prefixing an identifier with the ? operator.


Tuple Type

A tuple type is specified by surrounding a sequence of types between the [] brackets.

[Int, String]

Parametric Type

A parametric type is specified by following an identifier with a sequence of types between the <> brackets.

Table<Int, String>

Unknown Type

The special identifier ? represents the unknown type.


Void Type

The special identifer Void represents the void type.



Package Declarations

The following form declares a new package with no imported packages.

defpackage mypackage

Bindings from other packages may be imported using the import statement.

defpackage mypackage :
   import core
   import collections

Prefixes may be added to bindings from an imported package. The following form will append the prefix core- to every imported binding from the core package, except for bindings named False, which will instead have the C prefix.

defpackage mypackage :
   import core with :
      prefix => core-
      prefix(False) => C

In addition to the import statement, there is also the forward statement:

defpackage mypackage :
  import core
  forward mydefs

The forward statement will import the package mydefs and then expose any public symbols found in it as if they are coming from the mypackage package.

Public Visibility

Either of the following forms can be used to indicate that the following declaration(s) is/are publicly visible.

public decl
public : decl

The colon version is typically used to indicate the visibility of multiple declarations.

public :
   val x = 10
   val y = 20

Protected Visibility

Either of the following forms can be used to indicate that the following declaration(s) has/have protected visibility. This indicates that they can only be referenced from other packages through package-qualified identifiers.

protected decl
protected : decl

Type Declarations

The following form defines the type MyType.

deftype MyType

The following form defines the type MyType as a subtype of Collection and Lengthable.

deftype MyType <: Collection & Lengthable

The following form defines the type MyType, and also defines the types Int and String to be subtypes of MyType.

deftype MyType :
   Int <: MyType
   String <: MyType

Parametric types may be defined as follows.

deftype MyType<T>

These type parameters may be used in the specification of the types parents.

deftype MyType<T> <: Collection<T> & Lengthable

Struct Declarations

The following form defines the struct MyStruct with the given fields x of type XType and y of type YType.

defstruct MyStruct :
   x: XType
   y: YType

The above form will expand into:

  1. a type declaration for the type MyStruct.
  2. a constructor function called MyStruct that takes in two arguments, an XType and a YType object and returns a MyStruct object.
  3. two getter functions named x and y that return the associated field in the struct.

To change the name of the generated constructor function, the following option may be used.

defstruct MyStruct :
   x: XType
   y: YType
with :
   constructor => #MyStruct

The generated constructor function will now be named #MyStruct instead of MyStruct with the above form.

To generate a default implementation of a printer, set the printer option to true.

defstruct Person :
  name: String
  age: Int
  printer => true  

The generated printer is meant for debugging purposes only and quickly generates a string representation of a simple structure. You should provide your own custom printer if this is not the case.

The parent type of a struct may be provided using the following form.

defstruct MyStruct <: Parent :
   x: XType
   y: YType

To create a parametrically typed struct, type arguments can be given following the type name.

defstruct MyStruct<T> :
   x: XType
   y: YType
   z: Array<T>

Mutable fields may be declared by providing the name of a setter function. In the following example, a setter function called set-x will be generated for setting the value of the x field.

defstruct MyStruct :
   x: XType with: (setter => set-x)
   y: YType

The generated set-x function has the following type signature.

defn set-x (s:MyStruct, x:XType) -> False

To generate field accessors as methods instead of as functions, the following form may be used.

defstruct MyStruct :
   x: XType with: (as-method => true)

The above example will generate the x getter as a method instead of a function.

defmethod set-x (s:MyStruct, x:XType) -> False

Similar to setters, "updaters" can be defined using the updater option. In the following example, the x and y fields can be "updated" with new values.

defstruct Point :
  x:Int with: (updater => sub-x)
  y:Int with: (updater => sub-y)

An updater takes an initial Point object and creates a new Point object by substituting the given value. In the following example the point p1 represents (1,2), p2 represents (3,2), and p3 represents (1,4). Updaters are used frequently when programming with immutable datastructures.

val p1 = Point(1,2)
val p2 = sub-x(p1, 3)
val p3 = sub-y(p1, 4)

To provide default values for field values, the default option can be used. In the following example, the x and y fields will have a default value of 0, if no value is provided.

defstruct Point :
  x:Int with: (default => 0)
  y:Int with: (default => 0)

With the above definition, the user can create a point like this

val origin = Point()

Often for mutable structures, we always want a certain field to be initialized to some value. The following example creates a struct called Person, whose age is always initialized to zero.

defstruct Person :
  age:Int with: (init => 0, setter => set-age)

A Person object can be created like this

val p = Person("Patrick")
set-age(p, 23)

The default and init options allow for a special value called void that allows these fields to remain uninitialized. Here is a Person struct whose age is uninitialized when first created.

defstruct Person :
  age:Int with: (init => void, setter => set-age)

Note that it is an error to read from a field that has not yet been initialized.

The ensure option is used to prevent objects from being created with invalid arguments. It takes a precondition checking function that is meant to call fatal if the given arguments do not satisfy the intended preconditions. The following example shows a Point object whose fields are restricted to be strictly positive.

defstruct Point :
  x:Int with: (ensure => positive!)
  y:Int with: (ensure => positive!)

defn positive! (field-name:String, value:Int) :
  if value <= 0 :
    fatal("Value %_ given to %_ is not positive." % [value, field-name])

The checking function passed to ensure will be provided two arguments: a String containing the name of the field, and the argument passed to the constructor.

Function Declarations

Argument lists have the following form:

(x:Int, y:Int, z)

Each argument binding consists of a binding expression (typically an identifier) followed by a colon and an optional type for the argument.

Tuples (and nested tuples) may be used for binding expressions in order to deconstruct an argument's value.

([x, y]:[Int, String], y:Int, z)

The following form defines the named function f.

defn f (x, y) :
   x + y

If no explicit type is given for an argument to a named function, then by default it is assigned the unknown type.

Users may optionally declare the types of the arguments and the return value using the following form.

defn f (x:Int, y:String) -> Char :
   x + y

To declare tail-recursive functions use the defn* tag in place of the defn tag in the above forms.

Keyword Arguments

Argument bindings can use keyword named arguments by using the following syntax:

defn f (a:Int -- b:String) :
  println("A: %_  B: %_" % [a, b])

Note the -- as a separator between the positional arguments and the keyword arguments. In this example - a is a positional argument and b is a "Keyword Argument". The function f can be invoked in the following ways:

stanza> f(10, b = "Hello")
A: 10 B: Hello
stanza> f(b = "Hello", 10)
A: 10 B: Hello

Invoking f without the named keyword b (ie, treating b as just another positional argument) is not allowed:

stanza> f(10, "Hello")
No appropriate function 'f' for argument types (Int, String). Possibilities are:
  f: (Int, b:String) -> False in package 'repl16966'

Optional Arguments

Both positional arguments and keyword arguments can be made optional by supplying any expression as the default value for that argument. Example:

defn g (a:Int = 10 -- b:String = "Goodbye") :
  println("A: %_ B: %_" % [a, b])

In this construction all of the following are valid:

stanza> g(b = "Hell0")
A: 10 B: Hell0
stanza> g(5)
A: 5 B: Goodbye
stanza> g()
A: 10 B: Goodbye
stanza> g(15, b = "Back Again")
A: 15 B: Back Again
stanza> g(b = "Back Again", 25)
A: 25 B: Back Again

Using b as a positional argument will cause a syntax error as before.

The expression used as the default is not limited to just a string constant. This expression can:

1.  be a function call

2.  reference other arguments by name

3.  have side effects

4.  be unknown at compile time

The expression must evaluate to the type of the argument that it is applied to.

This default expression is executed when the function invocation occurs. This is in stark contrast to Python, for example, where the expression for the default value of an argument is executed at creation of the function or class.

This can help avoid a whole class of errors but does come with runtime trade-offs.

Variadic Arguments

The following defines a function that takes one integer argument and 0 or more string arguments:

  defn func (a:Int, b:String ...):
    println("A: %_ len(B): %_ B: %," % [a, length(b), b])

In the body of func, the argument b will have type Tuple<String>. If we invoke this function we see the following:

stanza> func(10)
A: 10 len(B): 0 B:
stanza> func(10, "asdf")
A: 10 len(B): 1 B: asdf
stanza> func(10, "asdf", "qwer")
A: 10 len(B): 2 B: asdf, qwer

We can also pass the argument b by keyword argument:

stanza> func(10, b = ["apples", "grapes", "bananas"])
A: 10 len(B): 3 B: apples, grapes, bananas

Multi Declarations

The following form declares a multi, f, with the given type signature.

defmulti f (x:Int, y:String) -> String

If no explicit types are provided for the arguments or return type, then they have the unknown type by default.

defmulti f (x, y)

Method Declarations

The following form declares a method for the multi f.

defmethod f (x, y) :
   x + y

If no explicit types are provided for the arguments then they are assigned the unknown type by default. Users may optionally declare the types of the arguments and the return value using the following form.

defmethod f (x:Int, y:String) -> Int :
   x + y

To declare tail-recursive methods use the defmethod* tag in place of the defmethod tag in the above forms.

Value Declarations

The following form declares a value x of type Int initialized to the expression v.

val x : Int = v

If the type is omitted then it is inferred from the given value.

val x = v

Tuples may be used within the binding expression to destructure the given value.

val [x, [y, z]] = v

Variable Declarations

The following form declares a variable.

var x : Int = v

If the type is omitted then it is inferred from any assignments to the variable.

var x = v

The initializing expression may be omitted to declare an uninitialized variable. It is an error to read from a variable that is not yet initialized.

var x

Enum Declarations

Enumerated types are defined with the defenum macro:

defenum Direction :

When defining an enum, the macro expands to a deftype for Direction and then separate deftype's for each of the enumerated values:

deftype Direction <: Equalable & Hashable
deftype N <: Direction
deftype E <: Direction
deftype S <: Direction
deftype W <: Direction

The macro also expands the following functions for ease of use.

; Direction -> Int and vice versa
defn Direction (i:Int) -> Direction
defn Direction? (i:Int) -> Direction|False
defn to-int (d:Direction) -> Int
; To satisfy Equalable & Hashable
defmethod equal? (a:Direction, b:Direction) -> Int
defmethod hash (x:Direction) -> Int
; Printing
defmethod print (o:OutputStream, x:Direction) -> False

Note that the enumerated integer values are ordered and start from 0. In this case N=0, E=1, S=2, W=3.

The defenum can also take a parent type just like a deftype:

public deftype AssetType

public defenum CompilerOutputs <: AssetType :


There are only a handful of core forms in Stanza but the core macro library provides a large collection of syntactic sugar for expressing commonly used constructs.

Literal S-Expressions

The backtick form represents a literal s-expression. For example, the following form creates a list consisting of three elements: the symbol f, the integer 3, and the symbol g.

`(f 3 g)

Expression Sequences

Multiple expressions surrounded with parenthesis represent a sequence of expressions, whose value is equal to the value of the last expression.

(x + 3, 3, f(3))

Function Calls

Expressions followed immediately opening parenthesis expand to function call forms.


Polymorphic Function Calls

Expressions followed by angle brackets then opening parenthesis expand to polymorphic function call forms.


Calls to Get

Expressions followed by opening square brackets expand to a call to the get function.

f[x, y]

expands to

get(f, x, y)

Calls to Set

Expressions followed by opening square brackets and then an equal sign expands to a call to the set function.

f[x, y] = v

expands to

set(f, x, y, v)

Anonymous Functions

Expressions wrapped in curly brackets expand to an anonymous function, with underscores replaced by arguments.

{_ + y}

expands to

fn (x) : x + y

For convenience, if there are no underscores, then the created anonymous function can take both no arguments and a single argument.


expands to

multifn :
   () : y
   (x) : y

Curried Functions

Expressions followed by an opening curly bracket expand to an anonymous function, with underscores replaced by arguments.

f{_, y}

expands to

fn (x) : f(x, y)

If there are no underscores, then the created anonymous function can take both no arguments and a single argument.


expands to

multifn :
   () : f(y)
   (x) : f(y)


A value can be downcast to a given type using the as operator.

x as Int

If followed with an else clause, then the as operator will return the given default value if the expression is not of the given type.

x as Int else y


A value can be upcast to a given type using the as? operator.

x as? Int

Type Checks

The following form returns true if the given value is of the type Type or false otherwise.

x is Type

The following form returns true if the given value is not of the type Type or false otherwise.

x is-not Type


Tuples are created by surrounding a sequence of expressions with the [] brackets.

[x, y]


The following form creates a new object of the type MyType with no instance methods.

new MyType

The following form creates a new object of the type MyType with instance methods. An instance method follows the same syntax as top-level methods, but requires precisely one argument named this that refers to the object being created.

new MyType :
   defmethod f (this, y:Int) :
      x + y


The following form creates a Range from a to b (exclusive) with a step size of 1.

a to b

A step size may be provided explicit using the by keyword.

a to b by 2

To indicate that the ending index should be inclusive rather than exclusive, the through keyword may be used in place of the to keyword.

a through b
a through b by 2

KeyValue Objects

The following form creates a KeyValue object from the given key object k, and the value object v.

k => v

Apply Operator

The following operator calls the expression f with the argument x.

f $ x

It is often used in conjunction with curried functions to chain together long expressions.

request-price $
{_ * 0.75} $
calc-mortgage{_, 75.00} $

Chained Function Operator '$>'

The following operator allows the functions func1 and func2 to be called in sequence (chained). The input value some-input is passed as the argument to func1. func1 is invoked and the output is applied as the argument to func2.

some-input $> func1 $> func2


stanza> val data = ["  what", "a wonderful", "world.   "]
stanza> val msg = data $> string-join{_, " "} $> trim $> upper-case
stanza> println(msg)

Here a tuple of strings is joined, trimmed of white-space, and converted to uppercase letters in a chained sequence of operations.

If Conditionals

The following form evaluates one of two branches depending on whether the predicate p is true or false.

if p :
else :

If the else branch is omitted, then a default else branch is provided that simply returns false.

if p :

If the else branch consists of a single if expression, then the colon following the else may be omitted. This allows multiple if expressions to be chained elegantly.

if p1 :
else if p2 :
else if p3 :
else :

When Conditionals

The following form allows for simple branches on true/false to be written concisely.

consequent when p else alternate

expands to:

if p :
else :

If the else clause is omitted, then it returns false by default.

Match Conditionals

The following form evaluates one of a multiple of branches depending on the types of its arguments. If no type is given for a branch argument then it is inferred from the type of the input arguments.

match(x, y) :
   (x:Int, y:Int) : body0
   (x:Int, y:String) : body1
   (x:String, y:Int) : body2
   (x, y) : body3

Quick Match

There is another version of the match statement:

  x * 2
  throw(Exception("X is not an Int"))

This provides a condensed syntax for matching against only one type of object and ignoring or raising an error for the rest. In this example, anything that is not an Int throws an exception.

Switch Conditionals

The following form creates a chain of if-else expressions for evaluating a sequence of bodies.

switch f :
   a : body0
   b : body1
   c : body2
   d : body3
   else : body4

expands to:

if f(a) : body0
else if f(b) : body1
else if f(c) : body2
else if f(d) : body3
else : body4

If no else branch is given, then the default behaviour is to exit the program with a fatal error.

The switch is commonly used with the equal? predicate function.

switch {x == _} :
   1 : first-action()
   2 : second-action()
   3 : third-action()

Let Scopes

The following form evaluates its body under a new scope.

let :

Where Scopes

The following form evaluates an expression with a set of declared bindings.

exp where :

expands to:

let :

The following example demonstrates assigning to x the result of 42 - (10 * y).

x = (42 - z) where :
   val z = 10 * y

For "Loops"

The following form calls an operating function, f, with an anonymous function and a list of arguments.

for (x in xs, y in ys, z in zs) f :

expands to:

f((fn (x, y, z) : body), xs, ys, zs)

If there is only a single set of bindings, then the parenthesis may be omitted.

for x in xs f :

By far, the most common usage of the for construct is with the do function to iterate over sequences. The following example prints the integers between 0 and 10.

for i in 0 to 10 do :

Within Blocks

The following form

within result = f(x, y, z) :

expands into a call to f with an additional function representing the block body.

The above is equivalent to this:

  fn (result) : body,

Notice that result becomes an argument to the block body.

The shorthand form

within f(x, y, z) :

assumes that f takes a zero-arity function as the first argument.

The above is equivalent to this:

  fn () : body

As an example, the following creates a function that executes a body with a newly created temporary file. The function takes responsibility for creating a fresh unused file, and then deleting it after the body has finished.

defn with-temporary-file (body:FileOutputStream -> ?, prefix:String) :
  defn unused-file (i:Int) :
    val name = to-string("%_%_.dat" % [prefix, i])
    if file-exists?(name) : unused-file(i + 1)
    else : name
  val filename = unused-file(0) 
  val file = FileOutputStream(filename)
  try :
  finally :

The user can then use with-temporary-file like so:

within file = with-temporary-file("temporary-dump") :
  println(file, "This is temporary data")
  for i in 0 to 10 do :
    println(file, i)

While Loops

The following form creates a loop that repeats as long as a given predicate returns true.

while p :

Labeled Scopes

The following form creates a labeled scope which returns an object of type Type and with an exit function named myreturn.

label<Type> myreturn :

If no explicit type is provided, then the body is assumed to return false, and the exit function takes no arguments.

label myreturn :

The most common use of labeled scopes is to return early from a function. The following example demonstrates a function that finds the first integer whose square is over 100.

defn first-big-square () :
   label<Int> return :
      for i in 0 to false do :
         return(i) when i * i > 100 :
      fatal("No such number.")


The following form generates a sequence of objects of type Type given the generator body. Within the body, a distinguished function called yield takes a single argument and includes it in the resulting sequence. A distinguished function called break is used to end the sequence. If no argument is passed to break then the sequence ends immediately. If a single argument is passed to break then it is included in the resulting sequence before the sequence ends.

generate<Type> :

If no explicit type is provided, then the default type is the unknown type.

generate :

The following example demonstrates a function that returns the first hundred perfect squares.

generate<Int> :
   for i in 1 through 100 do :
      yield(i * i)

To demonstrate the break function, the above example could also be written with a while loop like so.

generate<Int> :
   var i = 1
   while true :
      if i == 100 : break(i * i)
      else : yield(i * 1)
      i = i + 1

Dynamic Variables

The following form temporarily sets the variable x to the value v while executing the given body. The variable is restored to its original value after the body is finished.

let-var x = v :

If there is more than one set of bindings, then they are set and restored in parallel.

let-var (x = v1, y = v2) :

Exception Handling

The following form executes a given body after installing the given exception handlers and finally block. Both the exception handlers and the finally block are optional, but a try expression must contain either a finally block or an exception handler. If the finally block is provided, then it is a fatal error to exit and then re-enter the body through the use of coroutines or generators.

try :
catch (e:MyException1) :
catch (e:MyException2) :
finally :

Attempts and Failures

The following form executes a given body with a given failure handler. If no else clause is given, then the default behaviour is to return false.

attempt :
else :
   handle failure


Operators in Stanza expand to simple function calls. The following is a listing of the core operators and their expanded form.

(- x)     expands to   negate(x)
(~ x)     expands to   bit-not(x)
not x     expands to   complement(x)
x == y    expands to   equal?(x, y)
x != y    expands to   not-equal?(x, y)
x < y     expands to   less?(x, y)
x <= y    expands to   less-eq?(x, y)
x > y     expands to   greater?(x, y)
x >= y    expands to   greater-eq?(x, y)
x + y     expands to   plus(x, y)
x - y     expands to   minus(x, y)
x * y     expands to   times(x, y)
x / y     expands to   divide(x, y)
x % y     expands to   modulo(x, y)
x << y    expands to   shift-left(x, y)
x >> y    expands to   shift-right(x, y)
x >>> y   expands to   arithmetic-shift-right(x, y)
x & y     expands to   bit-and(x, y)
x | y     expands to   bit-or(x, y)
x ^ y     expands to   bit-xor(x, y)

Anonymous Functions

The following form creates an anonymous function with two arguments.

fn (x, y) :
   x + y

If no explicit type is given for an argument then it will be inferred from the context in which the function is used. Users may optionally declare the types of the arguments and the return value using the following form.

fn (x:Int, y:String) -> Char :
   x + y

To make an anonymous function tail recursive, use the fn* tag in place of the fn tag in the above forms.

Multiple Arity Functions

The following forms creates an anonymous function with multiple arities.

multifn :
   (x) : x + 1
   (x, y) : x + 2

If no explicit type is given for an argument then it will be inferred from the context in which the function is used. Users may optionally declare the types of the arguments and the return values using the following form.

multifn :
   (x:Int) -> Int : x + 1
   (x:Int, y:String) -> String : x + 2

To make a multiple arity function tail recursive, use the multifn* tag in place of the multifn tag in the above forms.

Variable Assignments

The following form assigns the expression v to the variable x. An assignment expression returns false.

x = v

Quasi Quote

The qquote form returns an s-expression with indicated expressions substituted in.

qquote(a b c)

The above example returns the list (a b c). The following example demonstrates the ~ substitution operator and returns the list (a 3 c).

val b = 3
qquote(a ~ b c)

The following example demonstrates the ~@ splicing operator and returns the list returns the list (a 1 2 3 c).

val b = `(1 2 3)
qquote(a ~@ b c)

Compile Time Flags

The following form will define the given compile-time flag.


The following form expands into the consequent if the given compile-time flag is defined or into the alternate otherwise.

#if-defined(flag) :
#else :

If the #else branch is not provided then it expands into the empty expression () if the flag is not defined.

The following form expands into the consequent if the given compile-time flag is not defined or into the alternate otherwise.

#if-not-defined(flag) :
#else :

If the #else branch is not provided then it expands into the empty expression () if the flag is defined.

Build System

Stanza comes with a built-in build system for helping to build complicated Stanza projects.

Simple Project with .stanza Files

Let's assume that your project has the following .stanza files:

Inside mydir/fileA.stanza:

defpackage mypackageA :
  import core
  import collections
println("This is package A")

Inside mydir/fileB.stanza:

defpackage mypackageB :
  import core
  import collections
println("This is package B")

Inside mydir/fileC.stanza:

defpackage mypackageC :
  import core
  import collections
  import mypackageA
  import mypackageB
println("This is package C")

Creating a stanza.proj File

Create the following mydir/stanza.proj file:

package mypackageA defined-in "fileA.stanza"
package mypackageB defined-in "fileB.stanza"
package mypackageC defined-in "fileC.stanza"

These statements tell the Stanza compiler which files to look in to find the definition of each Stanza package.

Calling the Compiler

In a new shell, navigate to mydir and type the following to compile mypackageC:

stanza mypackageC -o myapp

This will tell the Stanza compiler to compile mypackageC to an application called myapp. Because mypackageC imports mypackageA and mypackageB, the Stanza compiler will pull in the files containing those packages too.

Other .proj Files

Note that the file called stanza.proj is always read by the Stanza compiler to determine where files are located. If you have additional .proj files, e.g. custom.proj, you can provide them as an additional input to the Stanza compiler like so:

stanza custom.proj mypackageC -o myapp

Caching .pkg Files

You can use Stanza's incremental compilation feature, by caching the `.pkg` files created by the Stanza compiler.

Create a folder called mydir/pkgs, and run the following command:

stanza mypackageC -o myapp -pkg pkgs

This will compile mypackageC to the application myapp and save any intermediate .pkg files to the pkgs folder. If you then go to compile mypackageC again, Stanza will pull in the cached .pkg files automatically if their corresponding source files have not changed.

Environment Variables

Stanza allows the use of environment variables in the .proj file. Suppose that fileC.stanza is actually in a directory specified by the FILE_C_INSTALLATION environment variable. Then we can accomodate this with the following change to stanza.proj:

package mypackageA defined-in "fileA.stanza"
package mypackageB defined-in "fileB.stanza"
package mypackageC defined-in "{FILE_C_INSTALLATION}/fileC.stanza"

Packages Specified by Directory

Stanza also provides the following shorthand for specifying the location of multiple Stanza packages as long as they obey the following naming convention.

packages mysystem/utils/* defined-in "src/utils"

The above statement indicates that all packages that begin with mysystem/utils/ can be found within the directory src/utils.

Here are some examples of how Stanza maps package names onto filenames:

- The package mysystem/utils/lists will be expected to be in src/utils/lists.stanza.

- The package mysystem/utils/arrays will be expected to be in src/utils/arrays.stanza.

- The package mysystem/utils/network/transfer will be expected to be in src/utils/network/transfer.stanza.

Special Variables

There are two special variables that are available to you in the .proj file called . and WORKDIR.

The WORKDIR variable refers to the absolute path to the current working directory, the directory from which the Stanza compiler was ran.

The . variable refers to the absolute path to the directory containing the .proj file.

These two special variables will be handy for compiling foreign files.

Project Structure

Suppose that we are working on the application in the previous section of this document, and we now need to include a library project in the directory /mypath/to/mylib, which has its own .stanza files and dependency structure.

Include Statement

Assuming that mylib has a .proj file called /mypath/to/mylib/stanza.proj, we can include these dependencies by modifying mydir/stanza.proj like so:

include "/mypath/to/mylib/stanza.proj"
package mypackageA defined-in "fileA.stanza"
package mypackageB defined-in "fileB.stanza"
package mypackageC defined-in "fileC.stanza"

Foreign File Dependencies

Suppose that our package mypackageC requires some functions declared in the foreign files chelpers.c and cpphelpers.o, and needs to be compiled with the flags -lmyhelpers. We can tell Stanza to automatically pull in these dependencies by adding the following line to our stanza.proj file:

package mypackageC requires :

Platform-Specific Files and Flags

Suppose that mypackageC requires the -lmyhelpers flag only when compiling on the os-x platform. We can specify this like so:

package mypackageC requires :
    on-platform :
      os-x : "-lmyhelpers"
      else : ()

Running a Foreign Compiler

Suppose that cpphelpers.o is created by calling a foreign compiler (e.g. g++). We can request Stanza to run a given shell command whenever it compiles an app that depends upon cpphelpers.o like so:

package mypackageC requires :
compile file "cpphelpers.o" from "cpphelpers.cpp" :
  "g++ {.}/cpphelpers.cpp -c -o {.}/cpphelpers.o"

Note the use of the special . variable. Recall that it refers to the absolute path of the directory containing the .proj file. Our use of {.} allows the g++ call to work no matter which directory it is ran from.

Note that the on-platform construct works for the compile construct as well.

If it is a flag that requires calling a foreign compiler, and not a file, then you must use the compile flag construct instead. Here is an example:

compile flag "-lcurl" :
  "cd mypath/to/curl && make"

Conditional Imports

Suppose that we are working on the following package animals, which contains the following definitions:

defpackage animals :
  import core
  import collections
public defstruct Dog :
  name: String
  weight: Double
  breed: String

Adding Support for JSON

Now suppose that we wish to support converting Dog objects to JSON strings. To do this, there is a library in the package json-exporter containing a single multi called to-json, and we need to add a new method to support Dog.

defpackage animals :
  import core
  import collections
  import json-exporter
public defstruct Dog :
  name: String
  weight: Double
  breed: String
defmethod to-json (d:Dog) :
  to-string("{name:%~, weight:%_, breed:%~}" % [name(d), weight(d), breed(d)])

However, this change makes the animals package dependent upon the json-exporter package! This means that any application that requires the Dog datastructure will also need to pull in the json-exporter package, even if the application doesn't require JSON support at all!

To overcome this, we use the conditional imports feature in the build system.

Separating the JSON functionality

Let's move the JSON support for animals into a different package:

defpackage animals/json :
  import core
  import collections
  import json-exporter
  import animals
defmethod to-json (d:Dog) :
  to-string("{name:%~, weight:%_, breed:%~}" % [name(d), weight(d), breed(d)])

This will allow any app to optionally include the animals/json package if they require JSON support, or omit it if they don't.

Automatic Import

Even better, we can ask the Stanza build system to *automatically* pull in the animals/json package whenever we need both the animals package and the json-exporter package together.

The resulting stanza.proj file looks like this:

package animals defined-in "animals.stanza"
package animals/json defined-in "animals-json.stanza"
package json-exporter defined-in "json-exporter.stanza"
import animals/json when-imported (json-exporter, animals)

Build Targets

Suppose that the following is the final compilation command that you use to build your application:

stanza mylib1 myapp -o myapplication -ccfiles "runtime.c" -optimize -pkg "mypkgs"

You can store this information in a build target in your stanza.proj file using the following syntax:

build full-application :
  o: "myapplication"
  ccfiles: "runtime.c"
  pkg: "mypkgs"

Then you can choose to build this target using the following command:

stanza build full-application

If no target name is provided:

stanza build

then Stanza will assume that there is a target named `main`.

One advantage of using build targets is that Stanza will automatically track the files that the compilation process depended upon. If these files haven't changed since you last built the target, then Stanza will print out a message like the following:

Build target full-application is already up-to-date.

Building Test Targets

To support the testing framework, the user can use the build-test statement to define targets that compile to test runner executables:

build-test tests:
  o: "unit-tests"
  pkg: "test-pkgs"

In this example the target tests will be built as an executable named unit-tests. This new executable will be compiled with the flag TESTING defined.

Note that it is a good idea to use the pkg statement to define a separate package cache directory for the unit test runner executable. Because of the added TESTING flag, the compiler will see normal executables and packages as being different from test executables and packages. If the same package cache directory is used for both normal and test executables, the compiler will attempt to rebuild the packages/executables every time you switch targets - instead of using the cached packages. This results in unexpectedly long build times.

Core Package

The core package consists of functions and types used for basic programming.


Values that support the equal? operation are indicated as subtypes of Equalable.

deftype Equalable

Mandatory minimal implementation: equal?.


The multi equal? takes as arguments two Equalable values and returns true if they are equal or false otherwise.

defmulti equal? (a:Equalable, b:Equalable) -> True|False

A default method for equal? is provided that simply returns false.

Equality in Stanza is defined to mean "invariant to substitution". That is, suppose that our program contains a call to a function, f, with a value x.


But suppose, that earlier, we have determined that

x == y

returns true, indicating that x is equal to y. Then we should we able to substitute the usage of x with y instead without changing the behaviour of the program.


Consistent to this definition, in Stanza's core library, values of immutable types are defined to be equal if their subfields are equal. Different mutable values, such as arrays, are never defined to be equal unless they refer to the same object.


not-equal? returns true if its two arguments are not equal and false otherwise.

defn not-equal? (a:Equalable, b:Equalable) -> True|False


The Comparable type is used to indicate that a value can compared against other values using the comparison operations. A value of type Comparable<T> can be compared against values of type T.

deftype Comparable<T>

Mandatory minimal implementation: compare.


The following multi compares values of type Comparable<T> against values of type T. The multi returns a negative integer if the item a is less than the item b, zero if the two are equal, and a positive integer if the item a is greater than the item b. For values that are subtypes of both Equalable and Comparable, the compare operation must be consistently defined against the equal? operation, and return 0 if equal? returns true.

defmulti compare<?T> (a:Comparable<?T>, b:T) -> Int

less?, greater?, less-eq?, greater-eq?

The following multis are provided for subtypes to provide efficient implementations. Any defined method must return results consistent with the compare operation. Default methods are provided for these multis defined in terms of the compare operation.

defmulti less?<?T> (a:Comparable<?T>, b:T) -> True|False
defmulti greater?<?T> (a:Comparable<?T>, b:T) -> True|False
defmulti less-eq?<?T> (a:Comparable<?T>, b:T) -> True|False
defmulti greater-eq?<?T> (a:Comparable<?T>, b:T) -> True|False

max, min

The following functions compute the maximum or minimum of their two given arguments.

defn max<?T,?S> (a:?S&Comparable<?T>, b:T) -> S|T
defn min<?T,?S> (a:?S&Comparable<?T>, b:T) -> S|T

maximum, minimum

The following functions compute the minimum between an initial value x0, and a sequence of items xs using the provided comparison function. If no initial value is provided, then the sequence xs cannot be empty.

defn minimum<?T> (x0:T, xs:Seqable<?T>, less?: (T, T) -> True|False) -> T
defn minimum<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>, less?: (T, T) -> True|False) -> T

The following functions compute the maximum between an initial value x0, and a sequence of items xs using the provided comparison function. If no initial value is provided, then the sequence xs cannot be empty.

defn maximum<?T> (x0:T, xs:Seqable<?T>, less?: (T, T) -> True|False) -> T
defn maximum<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>, less?: (T, T) -> True|False) -> T

The following functions compute the minimum between an initial value x0, and a sequence of comparable items xs using the less? multi. If no initial value is provided, then the sequence xs cannot be empty.

defn minimum<?T> (x0:T&Comparable, xs:Seqable<?T&Comparable>) -> T
defn minimum<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T&Comparable>) -> T

The following functions compute the maximum between an initial value x0, and a sequence of comparable items xs using the less? multi. If no initial value is provided, then the sequence xs cannot be empty.

defn maximum<?T> (x0:T&Comparable, xs:Seqable<?T&Comparable>) -> T
defn maximum<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T&Comparable>) -> T

The following function returns the minimum in a sequence of items xs by comparing the keys extracted from each item using the provided key function.

defn minimum<?T> (key: T -> Comparable, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> T

The following function returns the maximum in a sequence of items xs by comparing the keys extracted from each item using the provided key function.

defn maximum<?T> (key: T -> Comparable, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> T


The type Hashable indicates that a value supports the hash multi and can represented (non-uniquely) as an Int value.

deftype Hashable

Mandatory minimal implementation: hash.


The hash multi takes a Hashable argument and returns an Int. For the correct operation of HashTable implementations, the definition of hash must be consistent with the definition of equal?. If two values are equal, then they must also return the same hash.

defmulti hash (h:Hashable) -> Int


A Lengthable is a value that has an unknown length.

deftype Lengthable

Mandatory minimal implementation: length.


The length multi calculates the length of a Lengthable object.

defmulti length (l:Lengthable) -> Int


A Seq represents a possibly infinite sequence of items of type T.

deftype Seq<T> <: Seqable<T>

Mandatory minimal implementation: empty?, next.


The empty? multi returns true if the sequence contains more items, or false otherwise.

defmulti empty? (s:Seq) -> True|False


The next multi returns the next item in the sequence. Repeated calls to next results in successive items in the sequence being returned. It is a fatal error to call next on an empty sequence.

defmulti next<?T> (s:Seq<?T>) -> T


A PeekSeq is derived from Seq and adds the ability to "peek" at the next element in a sequence.

deftype PeekSeq<T> : Seq<T>

Mandatory minimal implementation: empty?, next, peek.


The peek multi inspects the next item in the sequence but does not consume it. Repeated calls to peek results in the same item being returned. It is a fatal error to call peek on an empty sequence.

defmulti peek<?T> (s:PeekSeq<?T>) -> T


A Seqable represents any object that may be viewed as a sequence of items of type T.

deftype Seqable<T>

Mandatory minimal implementation: to-seq.


The to-seq multi returns a Seq representing a sequential view of the contents of the given object s.

defmulti to-seq<?T> (s:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<T>

A value of type Seq is defined to also be a Seqable and trivially returns itself when called with to-seq.


Similar to Seqable, a Collection also represents an object that may be viewed as a sequence of items of type T. The crucial difference between a Collection and Seqable is that a Collection must be repeatedly viewable as a sequence of items.

As an example, consider a function, print-all-twice, that iterates through and prints out the items in a sequence twice.

defn print-all-twice (xs:Seqable) -> False :
   val seq1 = to-seq(xs)
   while not empty?(seq1) :

   val seq2 = to-seq(xs)
   while not empty?(seq2) :

Such a function would not work as expected when called with a Seq. Recall that calling to-seq on a Seq is a trivial operation that returns the Seq directly. Thus the first while loop will print out every item in the sequence, but the second while loop will not complete a single iteration as the sequence is already empty. The correct type signature for print-all-twice would be

defn print-all-twice (xs:Collection) -> False

Seq is a subtype of Seqable, but not a subtype of Collection. Thus the new type signature correctly disallows print-all-twice from being called with objects of type Seq.

Mandatory minimal implementation: to-seq.


An IndexedCollection represents a mutable collection containing a series of items, each of which is associated with an integer index.

deftype IndexedCollection<T> <: Lengthable & Collection<T>

All IndexedCollections are subtypes of Collection and support the to-seq operation. A default method for to-seq defined in terms of length and get is provided. For efficiency purposes, subtypes of IndexedCollections may provide a customized method of to-seq, but it is not required.

Mandatory minimal implementation: length, get(IndexedCollection<T>, Int), set(IndexedCollection<T>, Int, T).

get, set

Appropriate methods for getting and setting an item at a given index i must be provided for all subtypes. get retrieves the object at integer index i in the object a. set assigns the value v to the object a at integer index i. The index i must be non-negative and less than the length of a.

defmulti get<?T> (a:IndexedCollection<?T>, i:Int) -> T
defmulti set<?T> (a:IndexedCollection<?T>, i:Int, v:T) -> False


The following function returns a range of items in an IndexedCollection. The given range must be a dense index range with respect to the collection a. A default method defined in terms of get is provided, but subtypes may provide customized methods for efficiency purposes if desired.

defmulti get<?T> (a:IndexedCollection<?T>, r:Range) -> Collection<T>


The following function sets a range of indices within the collection to items taken sequentially from vs. The given range must be a dense index range with respect to the collection a. The sequence vs must contain at least as many items as indices being assigned. A default method defined in terms of set is provided, but subtypes may provide customized methods for efficiency purposes if desired.

defmulti set<?T> (a:IndexedCollection<?T>, r:Range, vs:Seqable<T>) -> False


The following function iterates through the given collection and replaces each item with the result of calling f on the item. A default method defined in terms of get and set is provided, but subtypes may provide customized methods for efficiency purposes if desired.

defmulti map!<?T> (f: T -> T, xs:IndexedCollection<?T>) -> False


empty? returns true if the collection is empty or false otherwise.

defn empty? (v:IndexedCollection) -> True|False


The following function reverses the order in which items appear in the collection.

defn reverse!<?T> (xs:IndexedCollection<?T>) -> False


The following function returns a sequence containing the items in the collection in reversed order. The original collection is unchanged.

defn in-reverse<?T> (xs:IndexedCollection<?T>) -> Seq<T>


An OutputStream represents a destination to which we can print characters, and write values. The most common output stream used in daily programming is the standard output stream which represents the user's terminal.

deftype OutputStream

Mandatory minimal implementation: print(OutputStream, Char).


The fundamental operation for an OutputStream is the function for printing a specific value x to the output stream.

defmulti print (o:OutputStream, x) -> False

For all types in the core Stanza library, there is a default implementation of print for that type that prints each Char in its string representation to the output stream. Because of this, the only mandatory method that needs to be implemented by subtypes of OutputStream is that for Char.

defmethod print (o:OutputStream, c:Char) -> False


print-all prints all the item in the given sequence to the OutputStream.

defmulti print-all (o:OutputStream, xs:Seqable) -> False

There is a default method implemented for print-all that calls print on each item in the sequence. For efficiency purposes, users are free to provide customized versions of print-all for specific types.


println prints the item x to the OutputStream followed by the newline character.

defn println (o:OutputStream, x) -> False


println-all prints all items in the sequence xs to the OutputStream followed by the newline character.

defn println-all (o:OutputStream, xs:Seqable) -> False


This global value holds the standard output stream representing the user's terminal.



The current output stream is, by default, the standard output stream. The following function will set the current output stream to o before calling the function f and then restore the current output stream afterwards.

defn with-output-stream<?T> (o:OutputStream, f: () -> ?T) -> T


The current output stream may be retrieved with the following function.

defn current-output-stream () -> OutputStream

print to current OutputStream

The following functions behave identically to the versions that do not take an OutputStream argument. Instead they print to the current output stream.

defn print (x) -> False
defn println (x) -> False
defn print-all (xs:Seqable) -> False
defn println-all (xs:Seqable) -> False

Standard Error

Similar to the standard output facilities described above, standard error can be accessed and overriden with similar functions:

defn with-error-stream<?T> (o:OutputStream, body: () -> ?T) -> T
defn current-error-stream () -> OutputStream

It is good practice not to reference STANDARD-ERROR-STREAM directly but to instead use the current-error-stream() function to access the standard error stream buffer.


An InputStream represents a source from which we can read characters and values.

deftype InputStream

Mandatory minimal implementation: get-char, get-byte.


This multi reads a single character from the given input stream. false is returned if there are no more characters in the stream.

defn get-char (i:InputStream) -> Char|False


The following function reads a single byte from the given input stream. false is returned if there are no more bytes in the stream.

defn get-byte (i:InputStream) -> Byte|False


This global value holds the standard input stream representing the user's terminal.



The following multi reads characters continuously from the input stream and stores them into the given CharArray at the specified range. The range must be a dense index range with respect to xs. The number of characters read is returned.

defmulti fill (xs:CharArray, r:Range, i:InputStream) -> Int

A default method implemented in terms of get-char is provided, but for efficiency purposes, users are free to provide customized methods for subtypes of InputStream.


An IndentedStream wraps over an OutputStream to provide the ability to automatically print indenting spaces as needed.

deftype IndentedStream <: OutputStream

IndentedStream is a subtype of OutputStream and can be used as a target for the print function. When asked to print a newline character, an IndentedStream will print the newline character followed by the number of spaces indicated during creation of the stream. For all other characters, an IndentedStream simply calls print on its wrapped OutputStream.


This function creates an IndentedStream that indents n spaces by wrapping over the given OutputStream.

defn IndentedStream (o:OutputStream, n:Int) -> IndentedStream


This function calls the function f with a new IndentedStream created by wrapping over the given output stream.

defn do-indented<?T> (f: IndentedStream -> ?T, o:OutputStream) -> T


This function wraps over the current output stream with an IndentedStream and then calls the function f. The current output stream is restored afterwards.

defn indented<?T> (f: () -> ?T) -> T


A FileOutputStream represents an external file with an output stream interface to which we can write values.

deftype FileOutputStream <: OutputStream

A FileOutputStream is a subtype of OutputStream and can be used as a target for the print function.


These functions create a new FileOutputStream given the path to the file, and a boolean flag indicating, in the case that the file already exists, whether new characters should be appended to the end of the file or whether the file should be overwritten. If no append? flag is given, then by default, the file is overwritten.

defn FileOutputStream (filename:String, append?:True|False) -> FileOutputStream
defn FileOutputStream (filename:String) -> FileOutputStream


These functions write the following values as binary data following little endian conventions.

defn put (o:FileOutputStream, x:Byte) -> False
defn put (o:FileOutputStream, x:Int) -> False
defn put (o:FileOutputStream, x:Long) -> False
defn put (o:FileOutputStream, x:Float) -> False
defn put (o:FileOutputStream, x:Double) -> False


This function closes a FileOutputStream.

defn close (o:FileOutputStream) -> False


This function sets the given file as the current output stream before calling the function f. Afterwards, it restores the current output stream and closes the file.

defn with-output-file<?T> (file:FileOutputStream, f: () -> ?T) -> T


This function prints the given object to the given file.

defn spit (filename:String, x) -> False

Pretty Printing

The following pretty printing functions are used for printing a value in a form that preserves its structure. For example, String objects are surrounded in quotes and non-printable characters are escaped. Numbers have suffixes to indicate their type. For the core types that make up an s-expression, values are written out in a form that can be read back in using the reader.


The write multi pretty prints the given object x. A default method is provided that simply calls print. Objects whose pretty printed representations differ from their printed representations should provide a custom method for write.

defmulti write (o:OutputStream, x) -> False


This function pretty prints every item in the sequence xs separated by spaces.

defn write-all (o:OutputStream, xs:Seqable) -> False


A FileInputStream represents an external file with an input stream interface from which we can read values.

deftype FileInputStream <: InputStream

FileInputStream is a subtype of InputStream and supports the fundamental operations, get-char and get-byte, for reading a character or a byte from the stream.


This function creates a FileInputStream given the name of the file.

defn FileInputStream (filename:String) -> FileInputStream


This function closes a FileInputStream.

defn close (i:FileInputStream) -> False

Reading Values

These functions read values as binary data following little endian conventions.

defn get-int (i:FileInputStream) -> False|Int
defn get-long (i:FileInputStream) -> False|Long
defn get-float (i:FileInputStream) -> False|Float
defn get-double (i:FileInputStream) -> False|Double


This function reads the entire contents of a file and returns the contents as a String.

defn slurp (filename:String) -> String


A StringInputStream represents an input stream backed by an underlying string.

deftype StringInputStream <: InputStream & Lengthable

StringInputStream is a subtype of InputStream and implements appropriate methods for reading characters and bytes.

StringInputStream is a subtype of Lengthable and implements an appropriate method for the length multi that returns the number of characters left unread in the underlying string.


This function creates a StringInputStream given the underlying string and the name of the file that it comes from. If no filename is given, then its default value is "UnnamedStream".

defn StringInputStream (string:String, filename:String) -> StringInputStream
defn StringInputStream (string:String) -> StringInputStream


A StringInputStream allows for the characters beyond the immediate following character to be read. The following function returns the i'th next character in the stream, if one exists. If the index i is not given, then its default value is 0.

defn peek? (s:StringInputStream, i:Int) -> False|Char
defn peek? (s:StringInputStream) -> False|Char


StringInputStream keeps track of the current position of its read marker. The following function returns the FileInfo representing the current position in the string.

defn info (s:StringInputStream) -> FileInfo


A RandomAccessFile represents an external file that allows users to read and write at non-consecutive locations.

deftype RandomAccessFile


This function creates a RandomAccessFile for the given filename and boolean flag for indicating whether the file should be writable. A FileOpenException is thrown if the file could not be opened.

defn RandomAccessFile (filename:String, writable:True|False) -> RandomAccessFile


This function flushes all pending writes and closes an open RandomAccessFile. A FileCloseException is thrown if the file could not be closed.

defn close (file:RandomAccessFile) -> False


This function returns true if the given file is writable, or false otherwise.

defn writable? (file:RandomAccessFile) -> True|False


This function returns the length in bytes for the given file.

defn length (file:RandomAccessFile) -> Long


This function sets the length in bytes of the given file to the given value. If the current length of the file is greater than the given length, then the file is truncated. If the current length is less than the given length, then the file is padded with undefined values until the given length. A FileSetLengthException is thrown if the operation is not successful.

defn set-length (file:RandomAccessFile, length:Long) -> False


This function sets the read/write cursor of the file to the given position. A FileSeekException is thrown if the operation is not successful.

defn seek (file:RandomAccessFile, pos:Long) -> False


This function increments the read/write cursor of the file by pos number of bytes. The cursor can be moved backwards towards the beginning of the file by providing a negative pos. A FileSeekException is thrown if the operation is not successful.

defn skip (file:RandomAccessFile, pos:Long) -> False

Reading Values

These functions read values as binary data following little endian conventions from the given file. The functions either return the value read, or false if it has reached the end of the file. A FileReadException is thrown if the operations are not successful.

defn get-byte (file:RandomAccessFile) -> Byte|False
defn get-char (file:RandomAccessFile) -> Char|False
defn get-int (file:RandomAccessFile) -> Int|False
defn get-long (file:RandomAccessFile) -> Long|False
defn get-float (file:RandomAccessFile) -> Float|False
defn get-double (file:RandomAccessFile) -> Double|False

Writing Values

These functions write values as binary data following little endian conventions into the given file. A FileWriteException is thrown if the operations are not successful.

defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, x:Byte) -> False
defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, x:Char) -> False
defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, x:Int) -> False
defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, x:Long) -> False
defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, x:Float) -> False
defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, x:Double) -> False

Reading Blocks

This function reads contiguous bytes from the given file and stores them into the range r in the byte array a. r must be a dense index range with respect to a. The number of bytes read is returned by the function. A FileReadException is thrown if the operation is not successful.

defn fill (a:ByteArray, r:Range, file:RandomAccessFile) -> Long

If the range r is not given, then the function stores the read bytes starting from the beginning of the array a and proceeds until the end.

defn fill (a:ByteArray, file:RandomAccessFile) -> Long

Writing Blocks

This function writes contiguous bytes from the range r in the given byte array xs into the given file. r must be a dense index range with respect to xs. A FileWriteException is thrown if the operation is not successful.

defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, xs:ByteArray, r:Range) -> False

If the range r is not given, then the function writes the entire array xs into the file.

defn put (file:RandomAccessFile, xs:ByteArray) -> False


The following types make up Stanza's basic numerical types.

deftype Byte <: Equalable & Hashable & Comparable<Byte>
deftype Int <: Equalable & Hashable & Comparable<Int>
deftype Long <: Equalable & Hashable & Comparable<Long>
deftype Float <: Equalable & Hashable & Comparable<Float>
deftype Double <: Equalable & Hashable & Comparable<Double>

A Byte represents an 8-bit unsigned integer between 0 and 255 (inclusive). An Int represents a 32-bit signed integer. A Long represents a 64-bit signed integer. A Float represents a 32-bit real number in IEEE 754 encoding. A Double represents a 64-bit real number in IEEE 754 encoding.

Each of the numerical types are subtypes of Equalable, and hence support the equal? multi. Note that numerical values of different types are never defined to be equal to one another. Thus the Int, 0, is not equal to the Long, 0L.

Each of the numerical types are subtypes of Comparable, and can be compared against themselves.

Each of the numerical types are subtypes of Hashable, and supports the hash multi.

Numeric Literals

Due to the separate types for each number, distinct numeric literal forms are required for each. Below are examples:

val kB : Double      = 1.38e-23
val kB_f : Float     = 1.38e-23F

val R : Float        = 8.314f

val Meaning : Int    = 42
val Meaning_L : Long = 42L
val Prime-6 : Long   = 13l

val ascii-0 : Byte   = 48Y
val ascii-1 : Byte   = 0x31y

Note that the suffix can be either lower or upper case. There is no space between the last number digit and the suffix character.

Integer Arithmetic

Integer numerical types support the standard arithmetic operations.

defn plus (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn minus (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn times (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn divide (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn modulo (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn plus (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn minus (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn times (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn divide (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn modulo (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn plus (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn minus (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn times (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn divide (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn modulo (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long

Floating Point Arithmetic

Floating point numerical types support the all standard arithmetic operations except the modulo operation.

defn plus (x:Float, y:Float) -> Float
defn minus (x:Float, y:Float) -> Float
defn times (x:Float, y:Float) -> Float
defn divide (x:Float, y:Float) -> Float
defn plus (x:Double, y:Double) -> Double
defn minus (x:Double, y:Double) -> Double
defn times (x:Double, y:Double) -> Double
defn divide (x:Double, y:Double) -> Double

Note that arithmetic operations must be performed between values of the same numerical type. Users must manually convert values from one type to another if their types differ.

In addition, the user can access the nan? function to check for "Not a Number" conditions.

defn nan? (x:Double) -> True|False
defn nan? (x:Float) -> True|False

Below are some additional helper values related to floating point values. These can be useful for unit tests:

val FLOAT-NAN : Float

val DOUBLE-NAN : Double

Signed Arithmetic

All numerical values except of type Byte support the additional negation and absolute value operations. Byte values are unsigned and hence do not support these operations.

defn negate (x:Int) -> Int
defn negate (x:Long) -> Long
defn negate (x:Double) -> Double
defn negate (x:Float) -> Float
defn abs (x:Int) -> Int
defn abs (x:Long) -> Long
defn abs (x:Double) -> Double
defn abs (x:Float) -> Float

Bitwise Operations

Integer numerical types support the standard bitwise operations.

defn shift-left (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn shift-right (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn bit-or (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn bit-and (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn bit-xor (x:Byte, y:Byte) -> Byte
defn bit-not (x:Byte) -> Byte
defn shift-left (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn shift-right (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn arithmetic-shift-right (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn bit-or (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn bit-and (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn bit-xor (x:Int, y:Int) -> Int
defn bit-not (x:Int) -> Int
defn shift-left (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn shift-right (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn arithmetic-shift-right (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn bit-or (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn bit-and (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn bit-xor (x:Long, y:Long) -> Long
defn bit-not (x:Long) -> Long

Numerical Limits

The maximum and minimum values for the integer numerical types are defined in the following global values.

val BYTE-MAX : Byte
val BYTE-MIN : Byte
val INT-MAX : Int
val INT-MIN : Int
val LONG-MAX : Long
val LONG-MIN : Long

val FLOAT-MAX : Float
val FLOAT-MIN : Float

val DOUBLE-MAX : Double
val DOUBLE-MIN : Double

Numerical Conversion

Numerical types can be converted from one type to another using the following functions.

defn to-byte (b:Byte) -> Byte
defn to-byte (i:Int) -> Byte
defn to-byte (l:Long) -> Byte
defn to-byte (f:Float) -> Byte
defn to-byte (d:Double) -> Byte
defn to-int (b:Byte) -> Int
defn to-int (i:Int) -> Int
defn to-int (l:Long) -> Int
defn to-int (f:Float) -> Int
defn to-int (d:Double) -> Int
defn to-long (b:Byte) -> Long
defn to-long (i:Int) -> Long
defn to-long (l:Long) -> Long
defn to-long (f:Float) -> Long
defn to-long (d:Double) -> Long
defn to-float (b:Byte) -> Float
defn to-float (i:Int) -> Float
defn to-float (l:Long) -> Float
defn to-float (f:Float) -> Float
defn to-float (d:Double) -> Float
defn to-double (b:Byte) -> Double
defn to-double (i:Int) -> Double
defn to-double (l:Long) -> Double
defn to-double (f:Float) -> Double
defn to-double (d:Double) -> Double

Integer types can be converted without loss of precision from a type with less bits to a type with more bits. When converting from a type with more bits to a type with less bits, the most significant bits are truncated.

When converting integer types to floating point types, the closest floating point number is returned.


bits returns an integer type whose bit representation is equivalent to the IEEE754 bit representation of the given floating point number.

defn bits (x:Float) -> Int
defn bits (x:Double) -> Long

bits-as-float, bits-as-double

bits-as-float and bits-as-double returns a floating point number whose IEEE754 bit representation is equivalent to the bit representation of the given integer.

defn bits-as-float (x:Int) -> Float
defn bits-as-double (x:Long) -> Double


The following function generates a random positive integer.

defn rand () -> Int

The following function generates a random positive integer that is guaranteed to be strictly less than n.

defn rand (n:Int) -> Int

The following function generates a random positive integer within the range specified by r. r must have a step size of one.

defn rand (r:Range) -> Int


ceil-log2 computes the ceiling of the base-2 logarithm of the integer i.

defn ceil-log2 (i:Int) -> Int
defn ceil-log2 (i:Long) -> Int


floor-log2 computes the floor of the base-2 logarithm of the integer i.

defn floor-log2 (i:Int) -> Int
defn floor-log2 (i:Long) -> Long


next-pow2 computes the smallest power of 2 that is greater than or equal to the given integer i. i cannot be negative.

defn next-pow2 (i:Int) -> Int
defn next-pow2 (i:Long) -> Long


prev-pow2 computes the largest power of 2 that is smaller than or equal to the given integer i. i cannot be negative.

defn prev-pow2 (i:Int) -> Int
defn prev-pow2 (i:Long) -> Long


sum computes the sum of the given sequence of numbers.

defn sum (xs:Seqable<Int>) -> Int
defn sum (xs:Seqable<Long>) -> Long
defn sum (xs:Seqable<Float>) -> Float
defn sum (xs:Seqable<Double>) -> Double


product computes the product of the given sequence of numbers.

defn product (xs:Seqable<Int>) -> Int
defn product (xs:Seqable<Long>) -> Long
defn product (xs:Seqable<Float>) -> Float
defn product (xs:Seqable<Double>) -> Double

Boolean Types

Boolean values are represented using the types True and False.

deftype True <: Equalable
deftype False <: Equalable

Both True and False are subtypes of Equalable and hence support the equal? operation. Values of type True are only equal to other values of type True. Values of type False are only equal to other values of type False.


complement returns the logical complement of its argument. If a is true, then it returns false, otherwise it returns true.

defn complement (a:True|False) -> True|False

Character Type

A Char represents a single byte ascii character.

deftype Char <: Equalable & Hashable & Comparable<Char>

Char is defined to be a subtype of Equalable, Hashable, and Comparable, and thus it supports the equality operator,  the hash multi, and can be compared other values of type Char.

Two values of type Char are compared according to the numerical value of their ascii encoding.


digit? checks whether a given character is a digit character, representing one of the numerals between 0 and 9.

defn digit? (c:Char) -> True|False


letter? checks whether a given character is either a lower or upper-case character, representing one of the letters between 'A' and 'Z' or between 'a' and 'z'.

defn letter? (c:Char) -> True|False


upper-case? checks whether a given character is an upper-case character, representing one of the letters between 'A' and 'Z'.

defn upper-case? (c:Char) -> True|False


lower-case? checks whether a given character is a lower-case character, representing one of the letters between 'a' and 'z'.

defn lower-case? (c:Char) -> True|False


lower-case converts a given character to its lower-case representation if it is a letter, otherwise returns the original character.

defn lower-case (c:Char) -> Char


upper-case converts a given character to its upper-case representation if it is a letter, otherwise returns the original character.

defn upper-case (c:Char) -> Char


A Range represents a span of integers between a starting index and an optional ending index.

deftype Range <: Collection<Int> & Equalable  


The following function creates a range with a given starting index, an optional ending index, a step size, and a flag indicating whether the ending index is inclusive or exclusive.

defn Range (start:Int, end:Int|False, step:Int, inclusive?:True|False) -> Range

Users will typically use one of the macro forms for creating a range. The following form creates a range with the starting index a, exclusive ending index b, and step size 1.

a to b 

The keyword by can be used to provide a custom step size.

a to b by n

To create ranges with inclusive ending indices, use the keyword through instead of to.

a through b
a through b by n

Range is a subtype of Collection and implements an appropriate method for the to-seq multi. A range is viewed as a sequence of numbers starting from its given starting index, and proceeding until its ending index by the given step size. If the ending index is inclusive, then the sequence may contain the ending index. If the ending index is exclusive, then the sequence will not contain the ending index. If no ending index is given, then the sequence is infinite.

Range is a subtype of Equalable and two ranges are defined to be equal if they have equivalent starting and ending indices, step sizes, and inclusion flags.

Dense Index Ranges

For many of the core library functions, ranges are used to specify bounds within a Lengthable collection. For these ranges, the range argument must be a dense index range with respect to the given collection. A range is a dense index range with respect to a collection if it satisfies the following restrictions:

  1. The step size of the range must be 1.
  2. If the range is infinite, then the starting index must be non-negative and less than or equal to the length of the collection.
  3. If the range is finite and inclusive, then the starting and ending indices must be non-negative and less than the length of the collection. The starting index must be less than or equal to the ending index.
  4. If the range is finite and exclusive, then the starting and ending indices must be non-negative and less than or equal to the length of the collection. The starting index must be less than or equal to the ending index.


start returns the starting index of the given range.

defn start (r:Range) -> Int


end returns the ending index of the given range if there is one, or false otherwise.

defn end (r:Range) -> Int


step returns the step size of the given range.

defn step (r:Range) -> Int


inclusive? returns true if the ending index of the given range is inclusive, or false otherwise.

defn inclusive? (r:Range) -> True|False


map returns a list containing the result of applying the function f to each integer within the given range. It is a fatal error to call map on a range with infinite length.

defn map<?R> (f: Int -> ?R, r:Range) -> List<R>


A String represents an immutable collection of values of type Char.

deftype String <: Lengthable &
                  Collection<Char> &
                  Equalable &
                  Hashable &

String is a subtype of Equalable and hence supports the equal? operation. Two strings are equal if they have the same length and all of their characters are respectively equal.

String is a subtype of Lengthable and hence supports the length operation.

String is a subtype of Hashable, hence supports the hash operation and can be used as keys in a HashTable.

String is a subtype of Comparable, and two values of type String can be compared using the standard comparison operations according to their lexicographic ordering.

String is a subtype of Collection, and supports the to-seq operation for viewiewing the String as a sequence of values of type Char.


The following function creates a new String containing n copies of the c character.

defn String (n:Int, c:Char) -> String

The following function converts the given sequence of characters into a String.

defn String (cs:Seqable<Char>) -> String


get allows for retrieval of individual characters in a String by index. It is a fatal error to provide an index that is beyond the bounds of the string.

defn get (s:String, i:Int) -> Char


get allows for retrieval of a range of characters in a String. The given range must be a dense index range with respect to the given string.

defn get (s:String, r:Range) -> String

For example, assuming that s contains the string "Hello World", here is what various calls to get will return:

s[1 to 4]        returns   "ell"
s[1 through 4]   returns   "ello"
s[1 to false]    returns   "ello World"

Parsing Numbers

The following functions convert the string representations of numbers to their numerical types.

defn to-byte (s:String) -> False|Byte
defn to-int (s:String) -> False|Int
defn to-long (s:String) -> False|Long
defn to-float (s:String) -> False|Float
defn to-double (s:String) -> False|Double

Each of the above functions returns false if the given string cannot be converted to the appropriate type, either because of an incorrectly formatted string, or because the resulting number cannot be represented using the appropriate number of bits.


The following multi converts a given object to its string representation.

defmulti to-string (x) -> String

A default method defined in terms of print is provided to convert arbitrary objects to their string representation. User defined types are advised to rely upon this default method and not provide their own method for to-string. To provide custom printing behaviour for a type, users should provide methods for print instead. 

String Interpolation

The modulo operator creates a printable object given a format string and a sequence of arguments.

defn modulo (format:String, args:Seqable) -> Printable

The characters in the format string are printed one by one, where occurrences of a splicing operator prints the next item in the sequence. The available splicing operators are:

  1. %_ : Prints the next item in the sequence.
  2. %* : Assumes the next item in the sequence is Seqable, and prints all elements in the item.
  3. %, : Assumes the next item in the sequence is Seqable, and prints all elements in the item separated by commas.
  4. %~ : Pretty prints the next item in the sequence using the write function.
  5. %@ : Assumes the next item in sequence is Seqable, and pretty prints all elements in the item separated by spaces.
  6. %% : Prints the percentage sign character.

For example, the following command will print "On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Wednesdays, Patrick goes for a walk.".

val days = ["Tuesdays", "Thursdays", "Wednesdays"]
val name = "Patrick"
val activity = "walk"
println("On %,, %_ goes for a %_." % [days, name, activity])

Note that the modulo function does not return a String. The to-string function may be used to convert the printable object into a string.

val days = ["Tuesdays", "Thursdays", "Wednesdays"]
val name = "Patrick"
val activity = "walk"
to-string("On %,, %_ goes for a %_." % [days, name, activity])


matches? returns true if the string b can be found at position start in the string a, or false otherwise.

defn matches? (a:String, start:Int, b:String) -> True|False


prefix? returns true if the string a starts with the given prefix, or false otherwise.

defn prefix? (s:String, prefix:String) -> True|False


suffix? returns true if the string a ends with the given suffix, or false otherwise.

defn suffix? (s:String, suffix:String) -> True|False


empty? returns true if the string contains no characters.

defn empty? (s:String) -> True|False


append returns a new string resulting from concatenating string b to the end of string a.

defn append (a:String, b:String) -> String


append-all returns a new string resulting from concatenating together all strings in a sequence.

defn append-all (xs:Seqable<String>) -> String


string-join returns the string resulting from printing out each item in the sequence xs. If the argument j is given, then each item in the sequence is separated by j.

defn string-join (xs:Seqable) -> String
defn string-join (xs:Seqable, j) -> String


index-of-char searches the string s, within the bounds indicated the range r, for the first occurrence of the character c. If c is found, then its index is returned, otherwise false is returned. If a range is not given, then by default the function searches through the entire string. The given range must be a dense index range with respect to the string.

defn index-of-char (s:String, r:Range, c:Char) -> False|Int
defn index-of-char (s:String, c:Char) -> False|Int


index-of-chars searches the string s, within the bounds indicated by the range r, for the first occurrence of the substring b. If it is found, then its index is returned, otherwise false is returned. If a range is not given, then by default the function searches through the entire string. The given range must be a dense index range with respect to the string.

defn index-of-chars (s:String, r:Range, b:String) -> False|Int
defn index-of-chars (s:String, b:String) -> False|Int


last-index-of-char searches the string s, within the bounds indicated the range r, for the last occurrence of the character c. If c is found, then its index is returned, otherwise false is returned. If a range is not given, then by default the function searches through the entire string. The given range must be a dense index range with respect to the string.

defn last-index-of-char (s:String, r:Range, c:Char) -> False|Int
defn last-index-of-char (s:String, c:Char) -> False|Int


last-index-of-chars searches the string s, within the bounds indicated by the range r, for the last occurrence of the substring b. If it is found, then its index is returned, otherwise false is returned. If a range is not given, then by default the function searches through the entire string. The given range must be a dense index range with respect to the string.

defn last-index-of-chars (s:String, r:Range, b:String) -> False|Int
defn last-index-of-chars (s:String, b:String) -> False|Int


replace returns the result of replacing every occurrence of the character c1 in the string s with the character c2.

defn replace (s:String, c1:Char, c2:Char) -> String


replace returns the result of replacing every occurrence of the substring s1 in the string str with the substring s2.

defn replace (str:String, s1:String, s2:String) -> String


split returns a lazily computed sequence resulting from splitting the string str at occurrences of the substring s. If the argument n is given, then the resulting sequence is restricted to contain at most n strings, where the last string contains the unsplit remainder of str.

defn split (str:String, s:String) -> Seq<String>   
defn split (str:String, s:String, n:Int) -> Seq<String>

The following relation is guaranteed return true.

string-join(split(str, s), s) == str


lower-case the result of converting all letters contained within the string s to lower-case.

defn lower-case (s:String) -> String


upper-case the result of converting all letters contained within the string s to upper-case.

defn upper-case (s:String) -> String


trim returns the result of removing all leading and trailing characters that satisfy the function pred from the string s.

defn trim (pred: Char -> True|False, s:String) -> String

If pred is not given, then trim, by default, removes all leading and trailing whitespace characters.


A StringBuffer is an extendable array for holding characters.

deftype StringBuffer <: IndexedCollection<Char> & OutputStream     

StringBuffer is a subtype of a IndexedCollection and implements appropriate methods for retrieving its length, and getting and setting characters by index.

When setting a character at an index i, if i is less than the length of the buffer, then the character currently at index i will be overwritten. If i is equal to the length of the buffer, then i will be added to the end of the buffer, and the buffer's length will increase by 1.

StringBuffer is a subtype of OutputStream and can be used as a target for the print function.


This function creates a StringBuffer with the initial capacity n. The capacity of a StringBuffer is the number of characters it may hold before it undergoes resizing.

defn StringBuffer (n:Int) -> StringBuffer

If no capacity is provided, then the default capacity is 32.

defn StringBuffer () -> StringBuffer                 


This function will add the character c to the end of the buffer.

defn add (s:StringBuffer, c:Char) -> False


This function will add all the characters in the sequence cs to the end of the buffer.

defn add-all (s:StringBuffer, cs:Seqable<Char>) -> False


This function will clear all characters in the StringBuffer.

defn clear (s:StringBuffer) -> False


Arrays are the most fundamental IndexedCollection in Stanza, representing a finite series of items with constant time access to elements by index.

deftype Array<T> <: IndexedCollection<T> & Equalable

Array is a subtype of IndexedCollection and hence supports the fundamental get, set, and length operations.

Array is a subtype of Equalable and two arrays are defined to be equal only if they are the same array.


This function creates an Array with length n for holding values of type T. It is a fatal error to read from an index that has not been initialized, and n cannot be negative.

defn Array<T> (n:Int) -> Array<T>

This function creates an Array with length n for holding values of type T with each index initialized to the item x. n cannot be negative.

defn Array<T> (n:Int, x:T) -> Array<T>


This function converts a sequence of items of type T to an array.

defn to-array<T> (xs:Seqable<T>) -> Array<T>


This function creates a new array where each item is initialized to the result of calling the function f on each item in the given array xs. Note that the element type of the result array, R, must be provided explicitly.

defn map<R,?T> (f:T -> R, xs:Array<?T>) -> Array<R>


CharArray objects are specialized arrays designed specifically for efficiently storing Char objects.

deftype CharArray <: Array<Char>

CharArray objects behave equivalently to Array<Char> objects.


This function creates a CharArray of length n, with each index initialized to the space character.

defn CharArray (n:Int) -> CharArray

This function creates a CharArray of length n, with each index initialized to the given character x.

defn CharArray (n:Int, x:Char) -> CharArray


This function allows for efficient retrieval of characters from a CharArray. The range r must be a dense index range with respect to cs.

defn get-chars (cs:CharArray, r:Range) -> String


This function allows for efficient assignment of characters in a CharArray. The range r must be a dense index range with respect to cs.

defn set-chars (cs:CharArray, r:Range, s:String) -> False


ByteArray objects are specialized arrays designed specifically for efficiently storing Byte objects.

deftype ByteArray <: Array<Byte>

ByteArray objects behave equivalently to Array<Byte> objects.


This function creates a ByteArray of length n, with each index initialized to 0Y.

defn ByteArray (n:Int) -> ByteArray

This function creates a ByteArray of length n, with each index initialized to the given byte x.

defn ByteArray (n:Int, x:Byte) -> ByteArray


A Tuple represents a finite and immutable series of items each with an integer index.

deftype Tuple<T> <: Lengthable &
                    Collection<T> &
                    Equalable &
                    Hashable &

Tuple is a subtype of Equalable and two tuples are defined to be equal if they have the same length and all of their components are equal. It is an error to check whether two tuples are equal if they contain elements that are not Equalable.

Tuple is a subtype of Collection and implements an appropriate method for the to-seq multi to access the elements of the tuple as a sequence.

Tuple is a subtype of Hashable and computes its hash by combining the hashes of all of its items. It is a fatal error to call hash on a tuple containing items that are not Hashable.

Tuple is a subtype of Comparable and implements an appropriate method for the compare multi that compares two tuples by their lexicographic order. It is a fatal error to compare two tuples containing elements that are not Comparable with each other.

Tuple is a subtype of Lengthable and its length can be queried by calling the length multi.


Tuple creates a tuple of length n with each element initialized to x.

defn Tuple<?T> (n:Int, x:?T) -> Tuple<T>              


to-tuple converts a finite sequence of items into a tuple. The function will not terminate if given an infinite sequence.

defn to-tuple<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Tuple<T>


get will return the item at index i within the tuple x. i must be within the bounds of the range.

defn get<?T> (x:Tuple<?T>, i:Int) -> T


get will return a new Tuple containing the items spanned by the given range. The range must be a dense index range with respect to the tuple.

defn get<?T> (xs:Tuple<?T>, r:Range) -> Tuple<T>


map returns a new tuple containing the result of calling the function f on each item in the tuple xs.

defn map<?T,?R> (f:T -> ?R, xs:Tuple<?T>) -> Tuple<R>


empty? returns true if the tuple t is empty, otherwise it returns false.

defn empty? (t:Tuple) -> True|False


A List represents an immutable linked list of items.

deftype List<T> <: Lengthable &
                   Collection<T> &
                   Equalable &
                   Hashable &

List is a subtype of Lengthable and its length can be queried by calling the length multi. Note that the length of a list is not cached, and computing the length of a list takes time proportional to the length of the list.

List is a subtype of Collection and implements an appropriate method for the to-seq multi for viewing the list as a sequence.

List is a subtype of Equalable and two lists are defined to be equal if they have the same length and all of their components are equal. It is a fatal error to check whether two lists are equal if they contain elements that are not Equalable.

List is a subtype of Hashable and implements an appropriate method for the hash multi. The hash is computed by combining the hashes of all the items in the list. It is a fatal error to call hash on a list containing elements that are not Hashable.

List is a subtype of Comparable and implements an appropriate method for the compare multi. Two lists are compared according to their lexicographic ordering. It is a fatal error to compare two lists that contain elements that are not Comparable to each other.


The following functions create lists with no, one, two, three, or four elements respectively. The to-list function can be used to create lists with more than four elements.

defn List () -> List<Void>
defn List<?T> (x:?T) -> List<T>
defn List<?T> (x:?T, y:?T) -> List<T>
defn List<?T> (x:?T, y:?T, z:?T) -> List<T>
defn List<?T> (w:?T, x:?T, y:?T, z:?T) -> List<T>


cons (short for "construct") creates new lists by appending one, two, or three elements to the head of an existing list. The append function can be used to append more than three elements to a list.

defn cons<?T> (x:?T, t:List<?T>) -> List<T>
defn cons<?T> (x:?T, y:?T, t:List<?T>) -> List<T>
defn cons<?T> (x:?T, y:?T, z:?T, t:List<?T>) -> List<T>


to-list creates a new list containing the items in the sequence xs. The function will not terminate if given an infinite sequence.

defn to-list<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>) -> List<T>


head returns the head of a list. It is a fatal error to call head on an empty list.

defmulti head<?T> (x:List<?T>) -> T


tail returns the tail of a list. It is a fatal error to call tail on an empty list.

defmulti tail<?T> (x:List<?T>) -> List<T>


empty? returns true if the given list is empty or false otherwise.

defmulti empty? (x:List) -> True|False


get returns the i'th element in the list xs. i must be within the bounds of xs.

defn get<?T> (xs:List<?T>, i:Int) -> T


headn returns a list containing the n first elements in the list l. n must be less than or equal to the length of the list.

defn headn<?T> (l:List<?T>, n:Int) -> List<T>


tailn returns the list after removing the first n elements from the head of the list l. n must be less than or equal to the length of the list.

defn tailn<?T> (l:List<?T>, n:Int) -> List<T>


reverse returns a new list containing the items in xs in reversed order.

defn reverse<?T> (xs:List<?T>) -> List<T>


in-reverse returns a sequence containing the items in the list in reverse order.

defn in-reverse<?T> (xs:List<?T>) -> Seq<T>


last returns the last element in the list. The list must not be empty.

defn last<?T> (xs:List<?T>) -> T


but-last returns a list containing all elements in xs except the last. xs must not be empty.

defn but-last<?T> (xs:List<?T>) -> List<T>


append returns the list resulting from appending all items from xs to the beginning of the list ys.

defn append<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>, ys:List<?T>) -> List<T>


append-all returns the list resulting from appending together all lists in the sequence xs.

defn append-all<?T> (xs:Seqable<List<?T>>) -> List<T>


transpose returns a transposed version of the input list xs. The first element in the result list is a list containing the first elements in each list within xs. The second element in the result list is a list containing the second elements in each list within xs. The third element in the result list is a list containing the third elements in each list within xs, et cetera. The result list has the same length as the shortest list within xs.

defn transpose<?T> (xs:List<List<?T>>) -> List<List<T>>


map returns a new list consisting of the results of applying the function f to each element in the input list xs.

defn map<?T,?R> (f: T -> ?R, xs:List<?T>) -> List<R>


The following functions returns a new list consisting of the results of applying the function f to each pair (or triplet) of elements in the given input lists (or sequences). The result list has the same length as the shortest input list or sequence.

defn map<?T,?S,?R> (f: (T,S) -> ?R,
                    ys:Seqable<?S>) -> List<R>
defn map<?T,?S,?U,?R> (f: (T,S,U) -> ?R,
                       zs:Seqable<?U>) -> List<R>


seq-append returns a new list by calling the function f on every item in the sequence xs, and then appending together all of the resultant lists.

defn seq-append<?T,?R> (f: T -> List<?R>, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> List<R>


The following functions returns a new list by calling the function f on each pair (or triplet) of items in the input sequences, and then appending together all of the resultant lists.

defn seq-append<?T,?S,?R> (f: (T,S) -> List<?R>,
                           ys:Seqable<?S>) -> List<R>
defn seq-append<?T,?S,?U,?R> (f: (T,S,U) -> List<?R>,
                              zs:Seqable<?U>) -> List<R>


A FileInfo object contains position information about a specific point in a text file.

deftype FileInfo <: Equalable &
                    Hashable &

FileInfo is a subtype of Equalable and two FileInfo objects are equal when their filenames, lines, and columns are equal.

FileInfo is a subtype of Hashable and implements an appropriate method for the hash multi by combining the hashes of its filename, line, and column information.

FileInfo is a subtype of Comparable and implements an appropriate method for the compare multi. Two FileInfo objects are compared by ordering their filenames, followed their line index, followed by their column index.


FileInfo creates a FileInfo from the given filename, line, and column information.

defn FileInfo (f:String, l:Int, c:Int) -> FileInfo


filename retrieves the filename of the given FileInfo object.

defn filename (i:FileInfo) -> String


line retrieves the line number of the given FileInfo object.

defn line (i:FileInfo) -> Int


column retrieves the column number of the given FileInfo object.

defn column (i:FileInfo) -> Int


A Token represents a value that has been associated with a FileInfo object indicating the position from which it originated in a text file.

deftype Token <: Equalable

A Token is a subtype of Equalable and two tokens are considered equal if its FileInfo objects are equal and the wrapped values are equal. It is a fatal error to check whether two Token objects are equal if their wrapped values are not Equalable.


This function creates a Token from the given value and its associated FileInfo object.

defn Token (item, info:FileInfo) -> Token


This function retrieves the wrapped value in a Token object.

defn item (t:Token) -> ?


This function retrieves the associated FileInfo object in a Token object.

defn info (t:Token) -> FileInfo


This function returns the possibly wrapped value in a token by recursively unwrapping the value if it is a token.

defn unwrap-token (t) -> ?


This function recursively calls unwrap-token on all tokens and lists in the given value. This function is commonly used to strip away all file information from an s-expression.

defn unwrap-all (t) -> ?


A KeyValue pair represents a pairing of a key object of type K with a value object of type V. It is typically used to represent entries in datastructures where values are looked up according to a given key.

deftype KeyValue<K,V> 

Typically, users will use the following macro form for creating KeyValue pairs.

k => v


This function creates a KeyValue pair from the given key and value objects.

defn KeyValue<?K,?V> (k:?K, v:?V) -> KeyValue<K,V>


This function retrieves the key object in a KeyValue object.

defn key<?K> (kv:KeyValue<?K,?>) -> K


This function retrieves the value object in a KeyValue object.

defn value<?V> (kv:KeyValue<?,?V>) -> V


Symbols are used to represent identifiers in s-expressions, and can be compared against each other efficiently and used as keys in hashtables.

deftype Symbol <: Equalable & Hashable

Symbols are divided into two categories: symbols created from strings (StringSymbol), and uniquely generated symbols (GenSymbol).

deftype StringSymbol <: Symbol
deftype GenSymbol <: Symbol

Symbol is a subtype of Equalable and two symbols can be efficiently compared to see whether they are equal. Two symbols created from strings are equal if the strings they are created from are equal. Two uniquely generated symbols are equal if and only if they were created by the same call to gensym.

Symbol is a subtype of Hashable and implements an appropriate method for the hash multi. For symbols constructed from strings, the hash is computed from its name. For generated symbols, the hash is computed from its id.


This function constructs a symbol from the given value by converting it to a string using to-string and then creating a symbol from the resulting string. If x is already a symbol then it is returned directly.

defn to-symbol (x) -> Symbol


This function constructs a symbol from the given sequence by converting it to a string using string-join and then creating a symbol from the resulting string.

defn symbol-join (xs:Seqable) -> Symbol


This function generates a unique symbol given an object x whose string representation is used as its name. The resulting symbol is guaranteed to be equal to no other symbol currently live in the program.

defn gensym (x) -> Symbol

If no object x is provided, then the default name is the string "$gen".

defn gensym () -> Symbol


This function retrieves the string that the symbol was constructed with.

defn name (x:Symbol) -> String


This function retrieves the identifier associated with a generated symbol. Every generated symbol is guaranteed to be associated with a unique identifier.

defn id (x:GenSymbol) -> Int


A qualified symbol is a symbol created from a string containing a '/' character. In Stanza, qualified symbols are used to indicate a package qualified identifier. The following function returns true if the given symbol is a qualified symbol, or false otherwise.

defn qualified? (a:Symbol) -> True|False


This function splits a qualified symbol into a 2 element tuple containing its qualifier and its unqualified name. If the argument is not a qualified symbol, then the qualifier is false.

defn qualifier (a:Symbol) -> [False|Symbol, Symbol]

String Representation

Note that two unique symbols, which are not equal to each other, may still have equivalent string representations. For example, a generated symbol with the name "x" and the id 253 has the same string representation as the symbol created from the string "x253".

A typical method of converting a list of unique symbols into a list of unique strings is the following:

  1. For StringSymbol objects, directly use their name as their string representation.
  2. For GenSymbol objects, choose a name that is guaranteed not to be a prefix of any StringSymbol, then append the name to the id of the symbol. This name is typically chosen in an application-specific manner.


A Maybe object is used to indicate the presence or absence of an object.

deftype Maybe<T> <: Equalable & Comparable<Maybe<T>>

The One subtype of Maybe indicates the presence of an object of type T.

deftype One<T> <: Maybe<T>

The None subtype of Maybe indicates the absence of an object.

deftype None <: Maybe<Void>

Maybe is a subtype of Equalable. Two None objects are always equal. Two One objects are equal if their wrapped values are equal. It is an error to check whether two Maybe objects are equal if they wrap over values that are not Equalable.

Maybe is a subtype of Comparable and implements an appropriate method for the compare multi. None objects are always less than One objects. Two One objects are compared by comparing their wrapped values. It is an error to compare two Maybe objects if they wrap over values that are not Comparable.


This function wraps up the value x in a One object.

defn One<?T> (x:?T) -> One<T>


This function creates a new None object.

defn None () -> None


This function will retrieve the wrapped value in a One object.

defn value<?T> (x:One<?T>) -> T


This function will retrieve the wrapped value in a Maybe object if one exists, otherwise it returns the default value.

defn value?<?T> (x:Maybe<?T>, default:?T) -> T

If no default value is given, then the default value is false.

defn value?<?T> (x:Maybe<?T>) -> T|False


This function assumes that the given Maybe object is a One object and returns its wrapped value.

defn value!<?T> (x:Maybe<?T>) -> T


This function returns true if the given Maybe object contains no wrapped value (i.e. it is a None object).

defn empty? (x:Maybe) -> True|False


An Exception object is used to represent the conditions under which an exceptional behaviour as occurred.

deftype Exception  


Users are encouraged to create their own subtypes of Exception to represent different types of exceptional behaviour. However, the following function may be used to create a generic Exception object with the given error message.

defn Exception (msg) -> Exception


This function throws the given exception object to the current exception handler. The return type of Void indicates that throw never returns.

defn throw (e:Exception) -> Void


This function runs the body function after installing the handler function as the current exception handler. If the body runs without throwing an exception, then its result is returned. Otherwise the result of the exception handler is returned.

defn with-exception-handler<?T> (body: () -> ?T, handler: Exception -> ?T) -> T


This function runs the body function ensuring that the given finally function is run immediately afterwards. If the body runs to completion, then its result is returned after running the finally function. Otherwise, the finally function is run before execution exits the scope.

defn with-finally<?T> (body: () -> ?T, finally: () -> ?) -> T


Users will not typically call with-exception-handler or with-finally directly and instead use the standard macro forms. The following form runs the given body with a handler for catching MyException objects. The code within the optional finally block is ensured to run whether or not the body runs to completion.

try :
   body code
catch (e:MyException) :
   exception handling code
finally :
   finalization code

Fatal Errors

A fatal error occurs when a program somehow enters an illegal state that indicates an error has occurred in the program. It is impossible for a program to recover from a fatal error, and thus fatal errors do not occur in correct programs.


This function will print out the given error message to the screen, display a stack trace allowing users to find the source of the error, and immediately terminate the program.

defn fatal (msg) -> Void

On the highest (and unsafe) optimization settings, Stanza assumes that your program is correct and hence no calls to fatal ever occurs. For example, on the highest optimization settings, the following code:

if n < 0 :
   fatal("n should not be negative")
else :

is allowed to be optimized to the following:


as Stanza assumes that your program is correct, and therefore it is impossible for execution to enter the consequent branch of the if expression.

Attempt and Failure

The attempt and failure functions provide a convenient non-local exit for users.


The fail function exits from the current attempt scope and calls the current failure handler.

defn fail () -> Void


This function calls the conseq function after installing the alt function as the current failure handler. If the conseq function runs to completion then its result is returned. Otherwise, if fail is called during execution of conseq, the alt function is called and its result is returned.

defn with-attempt<?T> (conseq: () -> ?T, alt: () -> ?T) -> T


Users will not typically call with-attempt directly and instead use the standard macro forms. The following form runs the given body with a failure handler that executes when fail is called.

attempt :
   body code
else :
   failure code

If no else branch is provided, then a default else branch is provided that simply returns false.

Labeled Scopes

Labeled scopes provide the ability to exit early from a block of code.


This function executes the thunk function in a new labeled scope. The thunk function is passed an exit function that, when called, will immediately exit thunk. If the thunk runs to completion without ever calling the exit function then its result is returned. If the exit function is called during execution of thunk then the argument passed to the exit function is returned.

defn LabeledScope<T> (thunk: (T -> Void) -> T) -> T


Users will typically use the standard macro form for creating labeled scopes instead of directly calling LabeledScope. The following code will return the first prime number between 100 and 200.

label<Int> return :
   for i in 100 to 200 do :
      if prime?(i) :
   fatal("No prime found!")      


Generators provide the ability to execute a function in a new coroutine and return its results in the form of a sequence.


This function executes the thunk function in a new coroutine and returns a sequence. The thunk function is passed two functions as arguments. The first argument is the yield function, which takes a single argument. During execution of thunk, calls to the yield function will suspend the coroutine, and its argument will be included in the result sequence. The second argument is the break function, which takes either zero or one argument. During execution of thunk, a call to the break function with no arguments will immediately close the coroutine and end the result sequence. A call to the break function with one argument will immediately close the coroutine, include the argument as the last item in the result sequence, and then end the result sequence.

defn Generator<T> (thunk : (T -> False,
                            (T -> Void)&(() -> Void)) -> ?) -> Seq<T>


Users will typically use the standard macro form for creating generators instead of directly calling Generator. The following code creates a sequence containing the first 100 prime numbers.

generate<Int> :
   var n = 0
   for i in 2 to false do :
      if prime?(i) :
         n = n + 1
         if n == 100 : break(i)
         else : yield(i)


Coroutines provide the ability to execute a function in a context that can be saved and resumed later. This ability is most often used to execute a piece of code concurrently with the main program. A coroutine for which objects of type I are sent to its wrapped function, and for which objects of type O are sent back from its wrapped function is represented by the following type.

deftype Coroutine<I,O> <: Equalable

Coroutine is a subtype of Equalable. Two coroutines are equal if they were created by the same call to Coroutine.


This function creates a coroutine for which objects of type I are sent to its wrapped function, and for which objects of type O are sent back from its wrapped function. The argument represents the wrapped function of the coroutine.

defn Coroutine<I,O> (enter: (Coroutine<I,O>, I) -> O) -> Coroutine<I,O>

The first argument to the wrapped function is the coroutine that is created. The second argument to the wrapped function is the argument passed in the first call to resume on the coroutine. The result of the function enter is the last value sent back from the wrapped function.


This function transfers control into a coroutine, and sends it the value x. The return value of resume is the value that is sent back by the coroutine.

defn resume<?I,?O> (c:Coroutine<?I,?O>, x:I) -> O


This function transfers control out of a coroutine, and back to the main program. The value x is sent back to the main program. The return value of suspend is the value that is sent to the coroutine by the next call to resume.

defn suspend<?I,?O> (c:Coroutine<?I,?O>, x:O) -> I


This function transfers control flow out of a coroutine, back to the main program, and closes the coroutine. The value x is sent back to the main program. break has no return value as the coroutine is closed and cannot be resumed afterwards.

defmulti break<?O> (c:Coroutine<?,?O>, x:O) -> Void


This function closes a coroutine, and disallows any further calls to resume on the coroutine.

defn close (c:Coroutine) -> False


This function returns true if the given coroutine is currently running. Only active coroutines can be suspended or broken from.

defn active? (c:Coroutine) -> True|False


This function returns true if the given coroutine is not currently running and open to be resumed. Only open coroutines can be resumed.

defn open? (c:Coroutine) -> True|False

Dynamic Wind

Consider the following code which attempts to ensure that the global variable X is set to the value 42 while the function f is running, and for X to be restored after f is done.

val old-X = X
X = 42
X = old-X

However, because of coroutines it is possible for the above code to finish during the call to f, (for example, if f throws an exception) and thus leave X unrestored. The dynamic-wind function solves this problem by allowing users to perform operations upon entering or leaving a scope.


dynamic-wind takes a body function accompanied by an optional entering function, in, and an exiting function, out. dynamic-wind performs a call to body while ensuring that in is called every time execution enters the scope of body, and that out is called every time execution exits the scope of body.

defn dynamic-wind<?T> (in:False|(() -> ?),
                       body:() -> ?T,
                       out:False|(() -> ?)) -> T

Using dynamic-wind, the above example can be rewritten as follows:

val old-X = X
   fn () : X = 42
   fn () : X = old-X)

Sequence Library

The core package contains a large number of convenience functions that operate on sequences. The majority of collection datastructures in Stanza's core library are subtypes of Seqable and thus can be used with the sequence library.

Operating Functions

Operating functions, such as do, seq, and find, are functions with type signatures compatible with the for macro form. The following macro form:

for x in xs do :
   body code

is equivalent to the following direct call to the do operating function:

do(fn (x) :
      body code

Multi-argument operating functions are used with the following macro form.

for (x in xs, y in ys, z in zs) do :
   body code

is equivalent to the following direct call to the do operating function:

do(fn (x, y, z) :
      body code
   xs, ys, zs)   

As a matter of style, if the body consists of more than a single function call then the macro form is used, as in the following example:

val x = 671
val prime? = for i in 2 to x none? :
   x % i == 0

If the body consists of a single function call then the standard function call form is used instead.

val x = 671
defn divides-x? (i:Int) : x % i == 0
val prime? = none?(divides-x?, 2 to x)

The above example can also be written using anonymous function notation as follows:

val x = 671
val prime? = none?({x % _ == 0}, 2 to x)


This multi calls the function f on each item in the sequence xs. A default method defined in terms of the fundamental sequence operations is provided, but users may provide customized methods for subtypes of Seqable for efficiency.

defmulti do<?T> (f:T -> ?, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> False

These multis operate similarly to the single collection version of do but instead calls the function f with successive items from multiple sequences. The sequences are stepped through in parallel and iteration stops as soon as one of them is empty.

defmulti do<?T,?S> (f:(T,S) -> ?,
                    ys:Seqable<?S>) -> False

defmulti do<?T,?S,?U> (f:(T,S,U) -> ?,
                       zs:Seqable<?U>) -> False


This function iterates through the sequence xs and calls the function f on each item, searching for the first item for which f returns true. If f returns true on some item, then that item is returned by find. If f does not return true on any item in the sequence, then find returns false.

defn find<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> T|False

This function iterates through the sequence xs and ys in parallel and calls the function f with an item from each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as either sequence is empty. If f returns true when called by an item, x, from xs, and an item, y, from ys, then x is returned by find.

defn find<?T,?S> (f: (T,S) -> True|False,
                  ys:Seqable<?S>) -> T|False


These functions behave identically to find except that they assume that there exists an item (or pair of items) for which f returns true.

defn find!<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> T

defn find!<?T, ?S> (f: (T,S) -> True|False,
                    ys:Seqable<?S>) -> T


This function iterates through the sequence xs and calls the function f on each item, searching for the first item for which f returns a One object. If f returns a One object on some item, then the One object is returned. If f returns a None object for all items in the sequence, then a None object is returned by first.

defn first<?T,?R> (f: T -> Maybe<?R>, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Maybe<R>

This function iterates through the sequence xs and ys in parallel and calls the function f repeatedly with an item from each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as either sequence is empty. If f returns a One object on some pair of items, then the One object is returned. If f returns a None object for all items in the sequences, then a None object is returned by first.

defn first<?T,?S,?R> (f: (T,S) -> Maybe<?R>,
                      ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Maybe<R>


These functions behave identically to first except that they assume that there exists an item (or pair of items) for which f returns a One object. The wrapped value within the One object is returned.

defn first!<?T,?R> (f: T -> Maybe<?R>, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> R

defn first!<?T,?S,?R> (f: (T,S) -> Maybe<?R>,
                       ys:Seqable<?S>) -> R


This function constructs the sequence resulting from calling the function f on each item in the sequence xs.

defn seq<?T,?S> (f:T -> ?S, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<S>

These functions behave similarly to the single collection version of seq but instead calls the function f with successive items from multiple sequences. The sequences are stepped through in parallel and iteration stops as soon as one of them is empty.

defn seq<?T,?S,?R> (f:(T,S) -> ?R,
                    ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Seq<R>

defn seq<?T,?S,?U,?R> (f:(T,S,U) -> ?R,
                       zs:Seqable<?U>) -> Seq<R>


This function constructs a sequence by calling the function f on each item in the sequence xs. For each item in xs, if f returns a One object, then the unwrapped value is included in the result sequence. If f returns a None object then the item is not included in the result sequence.

defn seq?<?T,?R> (f: T -> Maybe<?R>, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<R>

These functions construct a sequence by iterating through the given sequences in parallel and calling the function f repeatedly with an item from each sequence. For each pair (or triplet) of items, if f returns a One object, then the unwrapped value is included in the result sequence. If f returns a None object then the item is not included in the result sequence.

defn seq?<?T,?S,?R> (f: (T,S) -> Maybe<?R>,
                     ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Seq<R>
defn seq?<?T,?S,?U,?R> (f: (T,S,U) -> Maybe<?R>,
                        zs:Seqable<?U>) -> Seq<R>


This function constructs a sequence by calling the function f on each item in the sequence xs, and including the item in the result sequence only if the call to f returns true.

defn filter<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<T>

This function constructs a sequence by iterating through the xs and ys sequences in parallel and calling the function f repeatedly with an item from each sequence. For each pair of items, if f returns true, then the item from the xs sequence is included in the result sequence.

defn filter<?T,?S> (f: (T,S) -> True|False,
                    ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Seq<T>


This function iterates through the items in the xs sequence, calling f on each one, and returns the first index at which the call to f returns true. If no call to f returns true, then index-when returns false.

defn index-when<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Int|False

This function iterates through the xs and ys sequences in parallel, calling f on each pair of items from xs and ys, and returns the first index at which the call to f returns true. If no call to f returns true, then index-when returns false.

defn index-when<?T,?S> (f: (T,S) -> True|False,
                        ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Int|False


These functions behave identically to index-when except that they assume there exists an item (or pair of items) for which the call to f returns true.

defn index-when!<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Int
defn index-when!<?T,?S> (f: (T,S) -> True|False,
                         ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Int


This function iterates through the items in the xs sequence, separating them into two collections depending on whether calling f on the item returns true or false. The function returns a tuple of two collections, the first of which contains all items in the sequence for which f returned true, and the second of which contains all items for which f returned false.

defn split!<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) ->
                 [Collection<T>&Lengthable, Collection<T>&Lengthable]


This function iterates through the items in the xs sequence, separating them into two sequences depending on whether calling f on the item returns true or false. The function returns a tuple of two sequences, the first of which contains all items in the sequence for which f returned true, and the second of which contains all items for which f returned false. The original argument sequence should not be used after this call.

defn split<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> [Seq<T>, Seq<T>]


This function takes an argument sequence and returns two other sequences containing the same items. The argument sequence is only iterated through once. The original argument sequence should not be used after this call.

defn fork<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>) -> [Seq<T>, Seq<T>]

If an additional argument, n, is given, then the function returns n new sequences containing the same items.

defn fork<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>, n:Int) -> [Seq<T>, Seq<T>]


This function constructs a sequence by taking items successively from the xs sequence as long as calling f upon the item returns true. The resulting sequence ends as soon as xs is empty or f returns false. The item for which f returns false is not included in the resulting sequence.

defn take-while<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<T>


This function constructs a sequence by taking items successively from the xs sequence as long as calling f upon the item returns false. The resulting sequence ends as soon as xs is empty or f returns true. The item for which f returns true is included in the resulting sequence.

defn take-until<?T> (f: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<T>


This function constructs a sequence by calling f upon each item on the xs sequence. seq-cat then returns the concatenation of all sequences returned by f.

defn seq-cat<?T,?R> (f:T -> Seqable<?R>, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<R>

These functions construct a sequence by iterating through the given sequences in parallel and calling f upon each pair (or triplet) of items from each sequence. seq-cat then returns the concatenation of all sequences returned by f.

defn seq-cat<?T,?S,?R> (f:(T,S) -> Seqable<?R>,
                        ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Seq<R>
defn seq-cat<?T,?S,?U,?R> (f:(T,S,U) -> Seqable<?R>,
                           zs:Seqable<?U>) -> Seq<R>


This function iterates through the items in the sequence xs and calls pred? on each one. If pred? returns true for every item in the sequence all? returns true. If pred? returns false for any item, then all? immediately returns false. all? returns true when the collection is empty.

defn all?<?T> (pred?: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> True|False

These functions iterate through the given sequences in parallel and calls pred? on each pair (or triplet) of items from each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as any sequence is empty. all? returns true if all calls to pred? returns true. all? returns false immediately after a call to pred? returns false.

defn all?<?T,?S> (pred?: (T,S) -> True|False,
                  ys:Seqable<?S>) -> True|False
defn all?<?T,?S,?U> (pred?: (T,S,U) -> True|False,
                     zs:Seqable<?U>) -> True|False


This function iterates through the items in the sequence xs and calls pred? on each one. If pred? returns true for no item in the sequence then none? returns true. If pred? returns true for any item, then none? immediately returns false. none? returns true when the collection is empty.

defn none?<?T> (pred?: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> True|False

These functions iterate through the given sequences in parallel and calls pred? on each pair (or triplet) of items from each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as any sequence is empty. none? returns true if no calls to pred? returns true. none? returns false immediately after a call to pred? returns true.

defn none?<?T,?S> (pred?: (T,S) -> True|False,
                   ys:Seqable<?S>) -> True|False
defn none?<?T,?S,?U> (pred?: (T,S,U) -> True|False,
                      zs:Seqable<?U>) -> True|False


This function iterates through the items in the sequence xs and calls pred? on each one. If pred? returns true for no item in the sequence then any? returns false. If pred? returns true for any item, then any? immediately returns true. any? returns false when the collection is empty.

defn any?<?T> (pred?: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> True|False

These functions iterate through the given sequences in parallel and calls pred? on each pair (or triplet) of items from each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as any sequence is empty. any? returns false if no calls to pred? returns true. any? returns true immediately after a call to pred? returns true.

defn any?<?T,?S> (pred?: (T,S) -> True|False,
                  ys:Seqable<?S>) -> True|False
defn any?<?T,?S,?U> (pred?: (T,S,U) -> True|False,
                     zs:Seqable<?U>) -> True|False


This function iterates through the items in the sequence xs and calls pred? on each one. count returns the number of times that pred? returned true.

defn count<?T> (pred?: T -> True|False, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Int

Sequence Constructors

Sequence constructors are functions that take non-Seq objects and construct and return Seq objects from them.


This function creates an infinite sequence resulting from repeating x indefinitely.

defn repeat<?T> (x:?T) -> Seq<T>

This function creates a sequence resulting from repeating x for n number of times.

defn repeat<?T> (x:?T, n:Int) -> Seq<T> & Lengthable


This function creates an infinite sequence from the results of calling f repeatedly.

defn repeatedly<?T> (f:() -> ?T) -> Seq<T>

This function creates a sequence resulting from the results of calling f for n number of times.

defn repeatedly<?T> (f:() -> ?T, n:Int) -> Seq<T> & Lengthable


This function creates a sequence resulting from calling f repeatedly and including, in the result sequence, the unwrapped values of every One object returned by f. The sequence ends as soon as f returns a None object.

defn repeat-while<?T> (f: () -> Maybe<?T>) -> Seq<T>

Sequence Operators

Sequence operators are functions that take Seq objects as arguments and return a new Seq object.


This function constructs a sequence by iterating through the xs and sel sequences in parallel and including items from the xs sequence in the result sequence only if the corresponding item from the sel sequence is true.

defn filter<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>, sel:Seqable<True|False>) -> Seq<T>


This function constructs a sequence by taking the first n items from the xs sequence. The xs sequence must contain at least n items.

defn take-n<?T> (n:Int, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<T>


This function constructs a sequence by taking up to the first n items from the xs sequence.

defn take-up-to-n<?T> (n:Int, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<T>


This function constructs a new sequence by concatenating the a sequence with the b sequence.

defn cat<?T> (a:Seqable<?T>, b:Seqable<?T>) -> Seq<T>


This function constructs a new sequence by concatenating together all sequences in the xss sequence.

defn cat-all<?T> (xss: Seqable<Seqable<?T>>) -> Seq<T>


This function constructs a new sequence by including the item y in between each item in xs.

defn join<?T,?S> (xs:Seqable<?T>, y:?S) -> Seq<T|S>


This function constructs a new sequence by iterating through the sequences xs and ys in parallel and including the 2 element tuples formed from the items of each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as either sequence is empty.

defn zip<?T,?S> (xs:Seqable<?T>, ys:Seqable<?S>) -> Seq<[T,S]>

This function constructs a new sequence by iterating through the sequences xs, ys, and zs, in parallel and including the 3 element tuples formed from the items of each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as any sequence is empty.

defn zip<?T,?S,?U> (xs:Seqable<?T>,
                    zs:Seqable<?U>) -> Seq<[T,S,U]>


This function constructs a new sequence by iterating through all sequences in xss in parallel, and including the tuples formed from the items of each sequence. Iteration stops as soon as any sequence is empty.

defn zip-all<?T> (xss:Seqable<Seqable<?T>>) -> Seq<Tuple<T>>

Sequence Reducers

Sequence reducers are functions that take Seq objects as arguments and compute and return a non-Seq object.


This function returns true if the xs sequence contains the item y. Otherwise it returns false.

defn contains? (xs:Seqable<Equalable>, y:Equalable) -> True|False


This function returns the first index at which the item in the xs sequence is equal to the item y. If no item in xs is equal to y then index-of returns false.

defn index-of (xs:Seqable<Equalable>, y:Equalable) -> Int|False


This function behaves identically to index-of except that it assumes there exists an item in xs that is equal to y.

defn index-of! (xs:Seqable<Equalable>, y:Equalable) -> Int


This function iterates through the items in the xs and ss sequence in parallel, and separates the items from xs into two collections depending on whether the corresponding item from ss is true or false. The function returns a tuple of two collections, the first of which contains all items in xs for which the corresponding item in ss is true, and the second of which contains the other items in xs.

defn split<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>, ss:Seqable<True|False>) ->
                [Collection<T>&Lengthable, Collection<T>&Lengthable]


This function returns the number of items in the given sequence. If the sequence is a subtype of Lengthable, then the length is returned directly. Otherwise, the length is calculated by iterating through the entire sequence.

defn count (xs:Seqable) -> Int


This function computes the left oriented reduction using function f on the sequence xs starting with initial value x0. If xs is empty then x0 is returned. Otherwise, the function f is applied on x0 and the first element in xs, then f is applied again on that result and the second element in xs, then f is applied on that result and the third element in xs, and so forth until xs is empty. reduce returns the final result returned by f.

defn reduce<?T,?S> (f: (T, S) -> ?T, x0: ?T, xs:Seqable<?S>) -> T

If no initial value is provided, then the first element in xs is used as the initial value of the reduction. xs must not be empty.

defn reduce<?T,?S> (f: (T|S, T) -> ?S, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> T|S


This function computes the right oriented reduction using function f on the sequence xs with final value xn. If xs is empty then xn is returned. If xs has a single element, then f is applied on that element and xn. If xs has two elements, then f is applied on the first element and the result of applying f on the second element and xn. If xs has three elements, then f is applied on the first element and the result of applying f on the second element and the result of applying f on the third element and xn. Et cetera.

defn reduce-right<?T,?S> (f: (S, T) -> ?T, xs:Seqable<?S>, xn:?T) -> T

If no final value is provided, then the last element in xs is used as the final value of the reduction. xs must not be empty.

defn reduce-right<?T,?S> (f: (T, T|S) -> ?S, xs:Seqable<?T>) -> T|S


This function returns a list containing all unique items in the sequence xs.

defn unique<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T&Equalable>) -> List<T>


This function iterates through the xs sequence, and looks for the first KeyValue pair whose key is equal to k. If such a pair is found, then its value is returned. If not then default is returned.

defn lookup?<?K,?V,?D> (xs:Seqable<KeyValue<?K&Equalable,?V>>,
                        default:?D) -> D|V

If no default value is provided, then false is returned if no appropriate KeyValue pair is found.

defn lookup?<?K,?V> (xs:Seqable<KeyValue<?K&Equalable,?V>>,
                     k:K&Equalable) -> False|V


This function behaves identically to lookup? except that it assumes that an appropriate KeyValue pair exists and returns its value.

defn lookup<?K,?V> (xs: Seqable<KeyValue<?K&Equalable,?V>>, k:K&Equalable) -> V


This function takes a sequence xs, and returns a tuple containing the results of calling the functions f and g with xs. The functions f and g are computed concurrently such that xs is iterated through only once. This function allows multiple values to be computed from a sequence that can only be iterated through once.

defn fork-on-seq<?T,?X,?Y> (xs:Seqable<?T>,
                            f:Seq<T> -> ?X,
                            g:Seq<T> -> ?Y) -> [X,Y]

This function takes a sequence xs, and returns a tuple containing the results of calling the functions f, g, and h with xs. The functions are computed concurrently such that xs is iterated through only once.

defn fork-on-seq<?T,?X,?Y,?Z> (xs:Seqable<?T>,
                               f:Seq<T> -> ?X,
                               g:Seq<T> -> ?Y,
                               h:Seq<T> -> ?Z) -> [X,Y,Z]

This function takes a sequence xs, and returns a tuple containing the results of calling every function in fs with xs. The functions are computed concurrently such that xs is iterated through only once.

defn fork-on-seq<?T,?S> (xs:Seqable<?T>,
                         fs:Seqable<(Seq<T> -> ?S)>) -> Tuple<S>


Stanza's core library provides convenience functions for sorting collections.


This function sorts the collection using the given comparison function and the quick sort algorithm.

defn qsort!<?T> (xs:IndexedCollection<?T>, is-less?:(T,T) -> True|False) -> False

This function sorts the collection using the less? multi and using the quick sort algorithm.

defn qsort!<?T> (xs:IndexedCollection<?T&Comparable>) -> False

This function sorts the collection by comparing the keys extracted using the key function and using the quick sort algorithm.

defn qsort!<?T> (key:T -> Comparable, xs:IndexedCollection<?T>) -> False


This function returns a lazily sorted sequence of the given sequence xs using the given comparison function and the quick sort algorithm.

defn lazy-qsort<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T>,
                     is-less?:(T,T) -> True|False) -> Collection<T> & Lengthable

This function returns a lazily sorted collection of the given sequence xs using the less? multi and the quick sort algorithm.

defn lazy-qsort<?T> (xs:Seqable<?T&Comparable>) -> Collection<T> & Lengthable

This function returns a lazily sorted collection of the given sequence xs by comparing keys extracted using the key function and using the quick sort algorithm.

defn lazy-qsort<?T> (key:T -> Comparable,
                     xs:Seqable<?T>) -> Collection<T> & Lengthable


Stanza's support for automatic garbage collection means that users do not need to manually delete objects after their use. However, it is often useful to know when an object has been reclaimed to perform additional cleanup operations. LivenessTracker and LivenessMarker objects are used to track whether an object is still live.

deftype LivenessTracker<T>
deftype LivenessMarker


This function creates a LivenessTracker with an associated value to indicate the identity of the tracker.

defn LivenessTracker<?T> (value:?T) -> LivenessTracker<T>


This function can be used to retrieve the value associated with a tracker.

defn value<?T> (tracker:LivenessTracker<?T>) -> T


This function is used to create or check upon a LivenessMarker.

defn marker (tracker:LivenessTracker) -> False|LivenessMarker

The first time this function is called on a LivenessTracker it is guaranteed to return its associated LivenessMarker. This marker may then be stored with an object whose liveness the user wishes to track. On subsequent calls to marker, the function will either return the created marker, which indicates that the marker is still live. Or it will return false, which indicates that the marker is now longer live, and hence neither is the object in which it is stored.

For example, consider tracking the liveness of values of type Car. Intuitively, it is helpful to imagine a LivenessTracker as a futuristic pistol capable of shooting a tracking beacon (its LivenessMarker) that sticks to the Car. Periodically, you may ask the tracker whether it is still receiving signal from the beacon, in which case the marker and hence the Car is still live. If the beacon is no longer sending a signal (marker returns false), then the marker and hence the Car is no longer live.


This function assumes that marker will return a LivenessMarker and returns it.

defn marker! (tracker:LivenessTracker) -> LivenessMarker


This function registers a new garbage collection notifier with Stanza. Garbage collection notifiers are run after every garbage collection phase.

defn add-gc-notifier (f: () -> ?) -> False

Files & Directories


This function checks whether the given file exists given its name.

defn file-exists? (filename:String) -> True|False


These functions return the type of file in the passed filename. If follow-symlinks? is true, then the symlink is followed to its target and the type of the target filepath is returned. This function throws FileTypeException on error. By default, this function will follow symlinks.

defn file-type (filename:String, follow-symlinks?:True|False) -> FileType
defn file-type (filename:String) -> FileType

The FileType has several subtypes:

  • RegularFileType
  • DirectoryType
  • SymbolicLinkType
  • OtherType


This function renames a file from path to new-path. This function will throw FileRenameError on failure. See rename for more information.

defn rename-file (path:String, new-path:String) -> False


This function copies the contents of old-path to new-path, creating the new-path file if it doesn't exist. See RandomAccessFile for more info.

defn copy-file (old-path:String, new-path:String) -> False


This function creates a symlink at linkpath that points to target path. This function will throw SymLinkError on failure.

defn symlink (target:String, linkpath:String) -> False


This function deletes the given file.

defn delete-file (path:String) -> False


This function deletes the given path and if it is a directory, recursively deletes all files and directories inside that directory. If the follow-symlinks? argument is true, then any symlinks encountered during the descent will be followed and if the symlink points to a directory, the source of the symlink will also be deleted. Symlinks that point to other files will only delete the symlink and not the source file.

defn delete-recursive (path:String, follow-symlinks?:True|False) -> False


This function expands all symbolic links in the given path and returns an absolute path that points to the same file. If such a file does not exist then false is returned. The resolve-path! variant will thows a PathResolutionError exception on error.

defn resolve-path (path:String) -> String|False
defn resolve-path! (path:String) -> String


This function splits the passed path into two parts by looking for the last '/' character in path. If path is empty, then this function throws a EmptyPath exception. If path ends with a '/', then this function throws a PathEndsWithSlash exception. Both of these exceptions are subtypes of PathException.

NOTE: This function will not work with window's drive paths like C:\Users\foo that use the '\' character as path separator.

defn split-filepath (path:String) -> [String, String]


These functions return a tuple of strings containing the names of the files in the given directory dirname. The include-parents? flag is used to filter out the "." and ".." directories if present. These functions may throw DirException on error. For more information see readdir.

defn dir-files (dirname:String, include-parents?:True|False) -> [String]
defn dir-files (dirname:String) -> [String]


This function will create the passed dirname directory. If the permissions parameter is not provided, the default permissions will be 0o777. This function will throw a CreateDirException on error. See mkdir for more info.

defn create-dir (dirname:String, permissions:Int) -> False
defn create-dir (dirname:String) -> False


This function will create directories needed for the steps in the passed filepath. This function behaves like mkdir -p. If permissions is not passed, then the default permissions of 0o777 will be used. On error, this function will throw CreateDirException or CreateRecursiveDirException.

defn create-dir-recursive (filepath:String, permissions:Int) -> False
defn create-dir-recursive (filepath:String) -> False

System Utilities

Stanza's core library provides convenience functions for manipulating the system environment.


The command line arguments used to invoke the program can be retrieved as an array of strings using the following function.

defn command-line-arguments () -> Array<String>


This function returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970.

defn current-time-ms () -> Long


This function returns the number of microseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970.

defn current-time-us () -> Long


This function returns the value associated with the environment variable with the given name. false is returned if there is no such variable.

defn get-env (name:String) -> String|False


These functions associate the environment variable of the given name with the given value. If the environment variable already exists then its value is overwritten if the overwrite flag is true, otherwise its old value is kept. If no overwrite flag is given then its default value is true.

defn set-env (name:String, value:String, overwrite:True|False) -> False
defn set-env (name:String, value:String) -> False


This function deletes a variable name from the environment. If name does not exist, this function leaves the environment unchanged and returns successfully. This function will throw a UnsetEnvException on error. See unsetenv from the standard C library.

defn unset-env (name:String) -> False


This function executes the given program with the given arguments. The sequence of strings for args is passed to the traditional char** argvs argument for the C main function. Note that because of this, the first item in args is expected to be the name of the program itself.

If the call fails with an error then the function throws a SystemCallException, otherwise it returns the integer status code of the call.

defn call-system (file:String, args:Seqable<String>) -> Int


This function executes the given program with the given arguments. The sequence of strings for args is passed to the traditional char** argvs argument for the C main function. Note that because of this, the first item in args is expected to be the name of the program itself.

If the call fails with an error then the function throws a SystemCallException, otherwise it returns the printed output from the program output and error streams.

defn call-system-and-get-output (file:String, args:Seqable<String>) -> String


This function replaces the current process with the execution of the given program with the given arguments. The sequence of strings for args is passed to the traditional char** argvs argument for the C main function. Note that because of this, the first item in args is expected to be the name of the program itself.

If the call fails with an error then the function throws a SystemCallException, otherwise the current process is replaced.

If the resolve-path? argument is set to true, then the path argument is looked up using standard system shell conventions: e.g. it first looks in the directories listed on the PATH, etc. Otherwise, the path should point to a concrete file. The resolve-path? argument is true by default.

defn replace-current-process (path:String,
                              resolve-path?:True|False) -> Void
defn replace-current-process (path:String,
                              args:Tuple<String>) -> Void


This function will call the underlying libc exit function.

defn exit (code:Int) -> Void


Timers are used for measuring elapsed time at various granularities.

deftype Timer


This function creates a timer with millisecond granularity and an associated name.

defn MillisecondTimer (name:String) -> Timer


This function creates a timer with microsecond granularity and an associated name.

defn MicrosecondTimer (name:String) -> Timer


This function creates a timer that piggybacks off of the time measured by another timer. Time only elapses for a piggyback timer if the timer it is piggybacking is running. A PiggybackTimer returns time in the same granularity as the timer it is piggybacking.

defn PiggybackTimer (name:String, t:Timer) -> Timer


This function starts the timer. It is an error to start a Timer that is already running.

defn start (t:Timer) -> False


This function stops the timer. It is an error to stop a Timer that is not running.

defn stop (t:Timer) -> False


This function retrieves the current time elapsed by the timer. The unit of the number returned is dependent upon how the timer is created.

defn time (t:Timer) -> Long

Math Package

The math package contains basic mathematical quantities and operations.



This value contains a double-precision definition of the mathematical quantity pi.

val PI : Double


This value contains a single-precision definition of the mathematical quantity pi.

val PI-F : Float

Basic Operations


This function computes e to the power of x.

defn exp (x:Double) -> Double
defn exp (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the natural logarithm of x.

defn log (x:Double) -> Double
defn log (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the base 10 logarithm of x.

defn log10 (x:Double) -> Double
defn log10 (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes x to the power of y.

defn pow (x:Double, y:Double) -> Double
defn pow (x:Float, y:Float) -> Float


This function computes the sine of x.

defn sin (x:Double) -> Double
defn sin (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the cosine of x.

defn cos (x:Double) -> Double
defn cos (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the tangent of x.

defn tan (x:Double) -> Double
defn tan (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the inverse sine of x.

defn asin (x:Double) -> Double
defn asin (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the inverse cosine of x.

defn acos (x:Double) -> Double
defn acos (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the inverse tangent of x.

defn atan (x:Double) -> Double
defn atan (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the inverse tangent of y divided by x. The signs of both arguments are used to determine the quadrant of the result.

defn atan2 (y:Double, x:Double) -> Double
defn atan2 (y:Float, x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the hyperbolic sine of x.

defn sinh (x:Double) -> Double
defn sinh (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the hyperbolic cosine of x.

defn cosh (x:Double) -> Double
defn cosh (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the hyperbolic tangent of x.

defn tanh (x:Double) -> Double
defn tanh (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the ceiling of x.

defn ceil (x:Double) -> Double
defn ceil (x:Float) -> Float


This function computes the floor of x.

defn floor (x:Double) -> Double
defn floor (x:Float) -> Float


This function rounds x to the nearest integer.

defn round (x:Double) -> Double
defn round (x:Float) -> Float


This function converts an angle expressed in degrees to radians.

defn to-radians (x:Double) -> Double
defn to-radians (x:Float) -> Float


This function converts an angle expressed in radians to degrees.

defn to-degrees (x:Double) -> Double
defn to-degrees (x:Float) -> Float

Collections Package

The collections package consists of functions and types useful for managing collection datastructures.


A Vector object represents a dynamically growing array of items. Like arrays, each item can be accessed using an integer index. However, a Vector object can be resized after creation.

deftype Vector<T> <: IndexedCollection<T>

Vector is a subtype of IndexedCollection and thus implements the appropriate methods for retrieving elements, assigning elements, and retrieving its length. When assigning an item, v, to an index i, if i is less than the length of the vector then the item at that location is overwritten by v. If i is equal to the length of the vector, then v is added to the end of the vector.


This function creates a Vector for holding objects of type T initialized with a capacity of cap.

defn Vector<T> (cap:Int) -> Vector<T>

If no capacity is given, then the default capacity is 8.

defn Vector<T> () -> Vector<T>


This function creates a new Vector from the elements in the sequence xs.

defn to-vector<T> (xs:Seqable<T>) -> Vector<T>


This function adds the given value to the end of the vector.

defn add<?T> (v:Vector<?T>, value:T) -> False


This function adds all of the values in the sequence vs to the end of the vector.

defn add-all<?T> (v:Vector<?T>, vs:Seqable<T>) -> False


This function removes every item in the vector.

defn clear (v:Vector) -> False


This function removes the last item in the vector and returns it. The vector must not be empty.

defn pop<?T> (v:Vector<?T>) -> T


This function returns the last item in the vector. The vector must not be empty.

defn peek<?T> (v:Vector<?T>) -> T


This function removes the item at index i in the vector and returns the removed item. i must be less than the length of the vector. The operation takes time proportional to the difference between the length of the vector and i.

defn remove<?T> (v:Vector<?T>, i:Int) -> T


This function removes the items within the range r from the vector. The range must be a dense index range with respect to the vector. The operation takes time proportional to the difference between the length of the vector and the end of the range.

defn remove (v:Vector, r:Range) -> False


This function either overwrites or removes items from the vector by calling the function f on each item in the vector. For each item in the vector, if f returns a One object, then the item is overwritten with the wrapped value in the One object. If f returns a None object, then the item is removed from the vector. update is compatible with the for macro form.

defn update<?T> (f: T -> Maybe<T>, v:Vector<?T>) -> False


This function removes the first occurrence of the item x in the vector v if it exists. The function returns true if an item was removed, or false otherwise.

defn remove-item<?T> (v:Vector<?T&Equalable>, x:T&Equalable) -> True|False


This function calls the function f on every item in the vector v. Items for which f returned true are removed.

defn remove-when<?T> (f: T -> True|False, v:Vector<?T>) -> False 


This function sets the capacity of the vector to be equal to the size of the vector, thus removing storage for additional elements.

defn trim (v:Vector) -> False   


This function truncates the given vector down to the specified size. The given size must be less than or equal to the length of the vector.

defn shorten (v:Vector, size:Int) -> False


This function pads the given vector up to the specified size by adding x repeatedly to the end of the vector. The given size must be greater than or equal to the length of the vector.

defn lengthen<?T> (v:Vector<?T>, size:Int, x:T) -> False


This function sets the length of the vector to the new specified length. If the given length is shorter than the current length then the vector is truncated. Otherwise the vector is padded using the item x.

defn set-length<?T> (v:Vector<?T>, length:Int, x:T) -> False   


This function creates a new Vector from the results of applying the function f repeatedly to each item in the given vector v. Note that the element type, R, of the result vector must be given explicitly.

defn map<R,?T> (f: T -> R, v:Vector<?T>) -> Vector<R>


A Queue represents an indexed collection with support for acting as a first in last out (FIFO) datastructure.

deftype Queue<T> <: IndexedCollection<T>

Queue is a subtype of IndexedCollection and thus implements the appropriate methods for retrieving elements, assigning elements, and retrieving its length. When assigning an item, v, to an index i, if i is not negative and less than the length of the queue then the item at that location is overwritten by v. If i is equal to -1, then v is added to the front of the queue.


This function creates a Queue for holding objects of type T initialized with a capacity of cap.

defn Queue<T> (cap:Int) -> Queue<T>

If no capacity is given, then the default capacity is 8.

defn Queue<T> () -> Queue<T>


This function adds the given item to the front of the queue. The corresponding indices of all existing entries in the queue increase by 1.

defn add<?T> (q:Queue<?T>, x:T) -> False


This function removes and returns the item at the back of the queue. The queue must not be empty.

defn pop<?T> (q:Queue<?T>) -> T


This function returns the item at the back of the queue. The queue must not be empty.

defn peek<?T> (q:Queue<?T>) -> T


This function removes all items in the queue.

defn clear (q:Queue) -> False


A Set represents a collection unique items of type K.

deftype Set<K> <: Collection<K> & Lengthable

Set is a subtype of Collection and must implement an appropriate method for the to-seq multi that allows for the set to be viewed as a sequence of K items.

Set is a subtype of Lengthable and must implement an appropriate method for the length multi that returns the number of unique items in the set.

Mandatory minimal implementation: to-seq, length, add, remove, get, clear.


defmulti add<?K> (s:Set<?K>, k:K) -> True|False

This multi adds the given item k to the set s. If the item was added succesfully, i.e. the item did not already exist in the set, then add returns true. Otherwise, the multi returns false.


defmulti remove<?K> (s:Set<?K>, k:K) -> True|False

This multi removes the given item k from the set s. If the item was removed succesfully, i.e. the item existed in the set, then remove returns true. Otherwise, the multi returns false.


defmulti get<?K> (s:Set<?K>, k:K) -> True|False

This multi checks whether the given item k exists in the set s.


defmulti clear (s:Set) -> False

This multi removes all items from the given set.


A Table represents a mapping between key objects of type K and value objects of type V.

deftype Table<K,V> <: Collection<KeyValue<K,V>> & Lengthable   

Table is a subtype of Collection and must implement an appropriate method for the to-seq multi that allows for the table to be viewed as a sequence of KeyValue pairs.

Table is a subtype of Lengthable and must implement an appropriate method for the length multi that returns the number of KeyValue pairs currently in the table.

Mandatory minimal implementation: to-seq, length, set, get?, default?, remove, clear.


This multi associates the key object k with the value object v in the table.

defmulti set<?K,?V> (t:Table<?K,?V>, k:K, v:V) -> False


This multi retrieves the value object associated with the key object k in the table. If there is no such key in the table then the default value d is returned.

defmulti get?<?K,?V,?D> (t:Table<?K,?V> k:K, d:?D) -> V|D


This multi returns the optional default value associated with the table. If a default value is provided then it is returned when accessing keys that do not exist in the table.

defmulti default?<?V> (t:Table<?,?V>) -> Maybe<V>


This multi removes the given key and its associated value from the table. If there is a key then the function returns true. Otherwise the function returns false.

defmulti remove<?K> (t:Table<?K,?>, k:K) -> True|False


This multi removes all keys and all values in the table.

defmulti clear (t:Table) -> False


This function returns the value associated with the given key if it exists, otherwise it returns false.

defn get?<?K,?V> (t:Table<?K,?V>, k:K) -> V|False


This multi assumes that the given k exists in the table and returns its associated value, or that a default value is provided. A default method, defined in terms of get?, is provided but users may provide customized methods for subtypes of Table for efficiency purposes.

defmulti get<?K,?V> (t:Table<?K,?V>, k:K) -> V


This multi returns true if the given key k exists in the table. A default method, defined in terms of get?, is provided but users may provide customized methods for subtypes of Table for efficiency purposes.

defmulti key?<?K> (t:Table<?K,?>, k:K) -> True|False   


This multi returns a sequence containing all keys in the table. A default method, defined in terms of to-seq, is provided but users may provide customized methods for subtypes of Table for efficiency purposes.

defmulti keys<?K> (t:Table<?K,?>) -> Seqable<K>   


This multi returns a sequence containing all values in the table. A default method, defined in terms of to-seq, is provided but users may provide customized methods for subtypes of Table for efficiency purposes.

defmulti values<?V> (t:Table<?,?V>) -> Seqable<V>


This function returns true if the table contains no keys or values.

defn empty? (t:Table) -> True|False


A HashTable provides an efficient implementation of tables for keys of type Equalable. Key type K must be a subtype of Equalable.

deftype HashTable<K,V> <: Table<K,V>

HashTable is a subtype of Table and support all necessary methods for correct table operations.


This function creates a HashTable with key objects of type K and value objects of type V. A hash function that maps key objects to integers, an optional default value, and an initial capacity must be provided. If provided, the default value is returned for retrieval operations when the key does not exist.

defn HashTable<K,V> (hash: K -> Int,
                     initial-capacity:Int) -> HashTable<K,V>

If unspecified, the default capacity is 32.

defn HashTable<K,V> (hash: K -> Int, default:V) -> HashTable<K,V>

If unspecified, then there is no default value.

defn HashTable<K,V> (hash: K -> Int) -> HashTable<K,V>

This function creates a HashTable that uses the hash multi to compute hashes for its keys, and a default value of V. K must be a subtype of both Hashable and Equalable.

defn HashTable<K,V> (default:V) -> HashTable<K,V>

If unspecified, then there is no default value.

defn HashTable<K,V> () -> HashTable<K,V>

Reader Package

The reader package contains the implementation of Stanza's s-expression reader.


This function reads in the given file and returns its contents as a list of s-expressions.

defn read-file (filename:String) -> List


This function converts the given string into a list of s-expressions.

defn read-all (text:String) -> List


This function reads in all characters from the given string input stream and returns a list of s-expressions.

defn read-all (stream:StringInputStream) -> List


This function reads a single s-expression from the string input stream.

defn read (stream:StringInputStream) -> ?

Macro Utilities Package

The macro-utils package contains functions for manipulating s-expressions useful for macro writers.

Utility Functions


This function returns true if the given form is a list (or list wrapped in a Token) whose first element is equal to the given symbol, or is a token whose wrapped value is equal to the given symbol.

defn tagged-list? (form, tag:Symbol) -> True|False

S-Expression Template Engine

The template engine can be thought of as an advanced search and replace utility that operates on s-expressions instead of on strings.


This function returns the result of performing search and replace operations on a template form given a collection of desired replacements.

defn fill-template (template, replacements:Collection<KeyValue<Symbol,?>>) -> ?

The replacements are expressed as KeyValue pairs where the key holds the symbol that should be replaced, and the value holds what the key should be replaced by. Values can be objects of any type, but there are a set of distinguished template forms with special replacement rules.

Simple Replacements

Consider the following template :

val form = `(
   defn myfunction (arg : argtype) :

and the desired replacements :

val replacements = [
   `myfunction => `print-int
   `arg => `x
   `argtype => `Int
   `body => `(println("Inside print-int"),

Then the following call to fill-template :

fill-template(form, replacements)

will return the following replaced form :

`(defn print-int (x : Int) :
     (println("Inside print-int"),

Observe that occurrences of the keys in replacements in the template form are systematically replaced with their associated values.

Splice Template

The splice template allows for a symbol to be replaced by multiple values. The following function creates a splice template. Note that the given item must be either a Collection or a Token wrapping over a Collection.

defn splice (item:Collection|Token) -> SpliceTemplate

Consider again the previous example. Notice that, the key `body was associated with a 2 element list. And in the resulting form, the occurrence of body was replaced with the 2 element list.

By using the splice template we can replace occurrences of `body directly with the elements inside the list and avoid an extra pair of parenthesis.

Consider the following template :

val form = `(
   defn myfunction (arg : argtype) :

and the desired replacements :

val replacements = [
   `myfunction => `print-int
   `arg => `x
   `argtype => `Int
   `body => splice(`(println("Inside print-int"),

Then the following call to fill-template :

fill-template(form, replacements)

will return the following replaced form :

`(defn print-int (x : Int) :
     println("Inside print-int")

Nested Template

The nested template allows for a pattern to be repeatedly replaced using a different set of replacements each time. The following function creates a nested template.

defn nested (items:Collection<Collection<KeyValue<Symbol,?>>>) -> NestedTemplate

Consider the following template :

val form = `(
   defn myfunction (args{arg : argtype}) :

and the desired replacements :

val replacements = [
   `myfunction => `print-int
   `args => nested $ [
      [`arg => `x, `argtype => `Int]
      [`arg => `y, `argtype => `String]
      [`arg => `z, `argtype => `Char]]
   `body => `(println(x))]

Then the following call to fill-template :

fill-template(form, replacements)

will return the following replaced form :

`(defn print-int (x:Int, y:String, z:Char) :

Note, specially, the syntax in the template when using a nested template replacement. If the replacement is a nested template, then the template form key must have form :

key{pattern ...}

Note that the set of replacements used during each replacement of a nested template also includes all the entries from the parent replacements.

For example, if we use the following replacements on the same template form :

val replacements = [
   `myfunction => `print-int
   `argtype => `Int
   `args => nested $ [
      [`arg => `x]
      [`arg => `y]
      [`arg => `z, `argtype => `Char]]
   `body => `(println(x))]

Then the call to fill-template :

fill-template(form, replacements)

will return the following replaced form :

`(defn print-int (x:Int, y:Int, z:Char) :

Notice that the `argtype replacement value is inherited from the parent bindings.

Plural Template

The plural template is similar to the nested template and allows for a pattern to be repeatedly replaced using a different set of replacements each time. The difference is that the plural template allows the user to specify for each symbol what it should be replaced with each time, whereas the nested template requires the user to specify for each replacement what the set of replacements should be.

The following function creates a plural template given a sequence of replacements, each replacement being a sequence itself. Note that the length of each replacement value must be equal.

defn plural (entries: Seqable<KeyValue<Symbol, Seqable>>) -> PluralTemplate

Consider the following template :

val form = `(
   defn myfunction (args{arg : argtype}) :

and the desired replacements :

val replacements = [
   `myfunction => `print-int
   `args => plural $ [
      `arg => `(x y z)
      `argtype => `(Int String Char)]
   `body => `(println(x))]

Then the following call to fill-template :

fill-template(form, replacements)

will return the following replaced form :

`(defn print-int (x:Int, y:String, z:Char) :

Choice Template

The choice template allows for a symbol to be replaced with a pattern selected from amongst a list of patterns depending on the replacement value.

The following function creates a choice template given the choice n.

defn choice (n:Int) -> ChoiceTemplate

The following convenience function also allows for users to create a choice template given a boolean value, where false is equivalent to choice 0 and true is equivalent to choice 1.

defn choice (b:True|False) -> ChoiceTemplate

Consider the following template :

val form = `(
   defn myfunction (x:Int) :
         x + 1

and the desired replacements :

val replacements = [
   `myfunction => `print-int
   `body => choice(1)]

Then the following call to fill-template :

fill-template(form, replacements)

will return the following replaced form :

`(defn print-int (x:Int) :
     x + 1)

Note, specially, the syntax in the template when using a choice template replacement. If the replacement is a choice template, then the template form key must have form :

key{pattern0 ...}{pattern1 ...}{pattern2 ...}

We can select which pattern is produced by changing the index we use to create the choice template. The following replacements :

val replacements = [
   `myfunction => `print-int
   `body => choice(2)]

will result in the following replaced form :

`(defn print-int (x:Int) :